Indice analitico

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conversazionale 61.1 Agetty 14.15.4 AGP 9.5.7 AH 64.2 u0.2 AIDE 43.6 aide.conf 43.6.1 AIML 61.1 AIML: bot 61.1.4 AIML: categoria 61.1.2 AIML: condition 61.1.8 AIML: get 61.1.4 AIML: modello 61.1.2 AIML: person 61.1.9 AIML: person2 61.1.9 AIML: random 61.1.7 AIML: responso 61.1.3 AIML: set 61.1.4 AIML: stimolo 61.1.2 AIML: that 61.1.5 AIML: think 61.1.4 AIML: topic 61.1.6 AIML: variabile 61.1.4 AL 64.2 u0.2 alarm() 70.5.3 alias 17.3.4 alias 4.9.7 33.3.6 33.5.11 alias IP aliases 39.3.1 alimentatore 9.1 alimentazione 8.3.4 allineamento della memoria 65.3.4 allineamento nella cella 97.5.2 alloc.c i189.10.4 allocated 86.2 allocated.c 96.1.3 Alml u112 alml u0.2 alml-extra u111 u0.3 alml-extra-menu u0.3 ALSA 30.10.7 Alsamixer 30.10.2 Alsamixergui 30.10.2 ALTER TABLE ALTER USER 74.6.1 Amaya 54.10 ambiente 18.5 ambiente matematico 49.16 AMI 9.8.7 ammortamento 97.6.7 AMR 9.5.8 Anacron 11.6 anacrontab 11.6.1 analyze 61.3.2 analyzer 61.3.2 anchor u0.1 and 69.11 AND 63.5.8 80.6.6 u125 AND 64.3 u0.6 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array di puntatori 66.5.13 82.15 array() 41.4.8 ARROTONDA() 97.28 ARROTONDA.DIFETTO() 97.11.3 97.28 ARROTONDA.ECCESSO() 97.11.3 97.28 ARROTONDA.MULTIPLO() 97.11.3 97.28 ARROTONDA.PER.DIF() 97.28 ARROTONDA.PER.ECC() 97.28 arrotondamento 97.11.3 97.11.3 97.11.4 97.11.5 As86 u0.3 AsCD 30.6.4 ASCII 47.7.5 ascii 47.7.8 asciiart u0.2 asciicode u94 u0.2 u0.4 asctime() u0.8 88.15 u0.13 asctime.c 95.29.1 i189.16.1 ASIN() 97.28 ASINH() 97.28 ASP 51.2 Aspell 47.9.2 ASS() 97.28 assemblatore 63.2 64.4 assembler 64.4 assembler 63.2 assembly 63.2 assembly 64.4 assert() 69.2 u0.12 88.6 assert.h 69.2 u0.12 95.1.3 at 11.7.3 at.allow 11.7 at.deny 11.7 ATA 9.3 9.3.2 83.9 ata.h 93.2 94.4.3 ata0 89.2 ata1 89.2 ata2 89.2 ata3 89.2 ata4 89.2 ata5 89.2 ata6 89.2 ata7 89.2 ATAN() 97.28 atan2() 24.17.5 ATANH() 97.28 ATAPI 9.3 ata_cmd_identify_device() 84.7.7 ata_cmd_identify_device.c 94.4.4 ata_cmd_read_sectors() 84.7.7 ata_cmd_read_sectors.c 94.4.5 ata_cmd_write_sectors() 84.7.7 ata_cmd_write_sectors.c 94.4.6 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94.2.4 blk_cache_save() 93.3.4 blk_cache_save.c 84.7.2 94.2.5 blk_cache_t 84.1.6 blk_public.c 94.2.6 BLOCK CONTAINS block mode 9.3.3 blockquote u0.3 Blu-ray 19.8 Blu-ray disc 19.7 Bluetooth 60.1 60.2 Bobcat u0.7 bochs 94.1.2 i188.1.1 body u0.1 u0.3 bollo della cambiale 97.16 bool 66.8.1 69.12 boot 3.11 3.29.1 6.8 Bootblocks u0.5 i206.3.1 Bootkit i206.3.2 bootstrap 3.11 3.29.1 bordo 97.3 borrow 63.4.3 63.4.5 80.5.3 bot 37.2.3 bottompage u0.1 BP 64.2 u0.2 bp() u0.1 u0.12 bps 35.6 br u0.1 braille 14.17 BRE 23.1.1 break 17.3.4 41.8.2 41.8.3 41.8.5 41.8.6 81.4.2 81.4.3 81.4.5 bridge 32.3 brk() 87.5 brk.c 95.30.3 BRKINT 70.7.4 brltty.conf 14.17.7 broadcast 32.4.2 BSD 1.5.1 u221 bsearch() 69.9.9 u0.6 BSWAP 64.3 Bubblesort 62.5.1 i18.3.1 i149.3.1 i153.3.1 i159.3.1 i160.3.1 buffer 3.29.6 buffer a tre stati u0.1 BUFSIZ 69.17.2 u0.9 build.h 94.9.1 i188.7.1 buildhash bunzip2 20.14.2 bus 8.3.5 u131 button u94 u0.2 BX 64.2 u0.2 byte 66.4.2 81.2.1 byte order 63.3.7 byte order 63.1.6 80.7.4 bzip2 20.14.2 C 1.5.10 65.6 66.1 81 82 cache 3.29.6 19.1.7 19.4.2 cal 11.9.1 calendar 11.9.5 11.9.7 CALL 64.3 64.10 64.11 u0.6 CALL FAR u0.6 calloc() 66.5.17 69.9.6 u0.6 cambiale 97.16 cambio tensione 9.1.1 campionatura sonora 30.5.3 campo 22.7 66.7.6 Camstudio 30.17 cancellazione 4.6.3 4.7.3 20.12 caption u0.2 carattere 29.2.3 66.4.2 81.2.1 97.5.5 carattere da stampa 49.10 50.7 carattere esteso 66.9.3 carattere jolly carattere speciale 49.10.1 caratteristica 63.3.6 caricamento di un programma 65.3 carry 63.4.3 63.4.5 63.5.1 63.5.2 63.5.3 63.5.7 64.2 80.5.3 80.6.1 80.6.2 u0.2 carry lookahead u0.12 cartella di messaggi 39.10 case 41.8.2 81.4.2 case insensitive 3.29.6 case sensitive 3.8 3.29.6 casella nome 97.19 casella postale 39.10 cast 81.3.6 cast 41.4.7 CASUALE() 97.28 CASUALE.TRA() 97.28 cat 3.28.8 4.5.2 22.2.1 86.4 u0.3 cat.c 96.1.6 i190.1.4 Catdoc u0.5 categoria grammaticale 61.2.1 cattura dello schermo 30.4.1 cavallo di Troia 43.2 CBW 64.3 u0.6 cc 65.7 ccal 11.9.2 ccc.c 96.1.7 i190.1.5 cc_t 70.7.1 cd 3.28.2 17.3.4 CD-R 19.8 CD-ROM 19.7 CD-RW 19.8 Cdcd 30.6.3 CDDA 30.7 CDDB 30.6.6 Cdlabelgen 30.8.2 Cdparanoia 30.7.1 CDQ 64.3 cdsound-recorder 30.10.6 CEILING() 97.28 cella 97.1 center 50.8.2 Center Europe summer time 11.1 Center Europe time 11.1 CERCA.ORIZZ() 97.17.3 97.28 CERCA.VERT() 97.17.1 97.28 certificato 44.3 CEST 11.1 CET 11.1 cfd.conf i86.1.1 cfdisk Cfengine u84 u85 u86 cfgmaker CGI 40.4 40.5 75.5 u0.2 CH 64.2 u0.2 chage changecom CHAP 35.9.2 chapter 50.4.2 chaptercontents i93.3.2 chapterdefinition u0.2 u0.5 char 81.2.2 CHAR_BIT 69.3 u0.2 CHAR_MAX 69.3 u0.2 CHAR_MIN 69.3 u0.2 Chat 35.18.1 chatbot 61.1 chatterbot 61.1 chattr 20.8.1 chdir() 24.17.2 70.5.3 87.6 u0.3 chdir.c 95.30.4 i189.17.3 checkpc 27.2.9 chfn 16.4.6 chgrp 20.6.2 86.6 chgrp.c 96.1.8 chiamata di sistema 84.4.3 u0.3 chiave privata 44.1.1 chiave pubblica 44.1.1 chmod 4.11 20.7.3 86.7 u0.5 chmod() 24.17.1 70.2.3 u0.16 87.7 u0.4 chmod.c 95.25.1 96.1.9 i189.13.1 i190.1.6 chomp() 24.17.3 chop() 24.17.3 chown 20.6.1 24.17.1 86.8 u0.6 chown() 70.5.3 87.8 u0.5 chown.c 95.30.5 96.1.10 i189.17.4 i190.1.7 chr() 24.17.6 chroot 43.5 CHS 19.1.6 chsh 16.4.4 cifratura 44.1 CIFS 16.13 cilindro circuito combinatorio u126 circuito sequenziale u129 cksum 22.10.2 CL 64.2 u0.2 Clamav 43.2.2 clamav-home u0.5 clamd clamd.conf clamdscan clamscan 43.2.2 Clamuko 43.2.3 classe IPv4 32.4.3 CLC 64.3 u0.6 CLD u0.6 clear 14.7.6 clearerr() 69.17.18 u0.9 88.12 u0.9 clearerr.c 95.18.2 i189.9.2 CLI 83.2.2 u0.6 cli() 84.3.2 u0.2 cli.s 94.6.7 click u0.1 client 3.29.4 client.conf 27.9.4 cliente 3.29.4 clipboard 29.2.2 clock 11.4.2 clock() 69.16.1 u0.8 87.9 u0.6 clock.c 95.29.2 i189.16.2 CLOCKS_PER_SEC 69.16.1 clock_t 69.16.1 70.1 clock_t.h 95.1.4 i189.1.4 cloner 37.2.3 Cloop 19.9.1 CLOSE 72.12.3 close 24.17.3 close() 68.5.1 70.5.3 87.10 u0.7 close.c 95.30.6 i189.17.5 closedir() 68.10.2 70.6.3 88.13 u0.10 closedir.c 95.4.2 i189.2.2 cloud computing 45 cloud provider 45 CMC 64.3 u0.6 CMP 64.3 64.7 64.8.4 64.9.1 u0.6 CMPSB u0.6 CMPSW u0.6 CNAME 33.5.11 cnewline u0.4 COBOL 73.1 73.1.1 code u94 u0.4 Code 128 58.7 Code 3 of 9 58.6 Code 39 58.6 Code 39 esteso 58.6.1 code point 47.5 code unit 47.6 CODE-SET Codepad 46.3.2 codice a barre 58 58.9 codice DataMatrix 58.13 codice di interruzione di riga 22.1.1 67.1.2 codice PDF417 58.12 codice pesato 63.3.1 codice QR 58.10 codice Semacode 58.13 codifica 47.6 codifica universale u16 u107 u108 codificatore binario u0.5 codificatore di priorità u0.6 col 22.4.1 colcrt 22.4.1 collegamento 3.19 4.8.2 20.11 66.3.1 collegamento fisico 20.11.2 collegamento simbolico 20.11.1 collisione 32.1.3 colofone 47.2.5 colophon 47.2.5 colrm 22.3.5 colsep u99 column 22.3.4 comando di shell 17.2.3 comando interno 17.3.4 COMBINA() 97.28 COMBINAZIONE() 97.28 comm 22.6.3 command 17.3.4 u0.4 COMMIT 74.6.4 community 36.11.3 comparazione binaria 63.6.1 compilazione di un programma 65.3 compl 69.11 complemento a due 2.4.2 63.3.4 80.4.2 80.4.8 complemento a uno 2.4.2 63.3.3 80.4.2 complemento alla base 2.4.1 80.4.1 completamento automatico 4.9.1 compositing window manager 28.14 composition manager 28.14 composizione video 28.14 compressione 20.14 COMPUTE 72.12.4 computer 3.1 3.2.4 comunicazione tra i processi 10.1.3 conclusione 85 u179 condivisione 45.8.2 condizione 97.12 condotto 3.25 3.29.5 4.9.6 10.1.3 17.1.7 18.8 68.9 84.8.5 conduttura 3.25 3.29.5 4.9.6 17.1.7 18.8 config 44.7.8 CONFIGURATION SECTION 72.4.2 configurazione del kernel 8.3 8.4 configure 7.1 Configure-debian 7.7.11 8.4 confstr() 70.5.3 connect() 87.11 connect.c 95.23.3 consistenza media 97.6.10 consistenza media di magazzino 97.13.5 console 8.9.3 89.1 u0.1 console 14.6 14.16 console virtuale 4.1 14.3.2 console0 89.1 console1 89.1 console2 89.1 console3 89.1 consolechars 14.9.2 const 81.2.7 const volatile const...* 66.5.6 const.h i189.1.5 CONTA.SE() 97.28 CONTA.VUOTE() 97.28 contabilità di sistema 16.10 contabilità IP 42.5.5 contatore u0.3 u0.4 u0.5 contenuto delle directory 20.4 continue 17.3.4 41.8.3 41.8.5 41.8.6 81.4.3 81.4.5 <Control c> 10.1.3 <Control \> 10.1.3 convalida 97.20 convenzione di chiamata 64.10.6 conversation agent 61.1 conversion specifier 81.1.4 conversione di tipo 81.3.6 convert convert-ly 57.2.5 con_char_read() u0.3 con_char_read.c i188.5.18 con_char_ready() u0.3 con_char_ready.c i188.5.19 con_char_wait() u0.3 con_char_wait.c i188.5.20 con_init() u0.3 con_init.c i188.5.21 con_putc() u0.3 con_putc.c i188.5.22 con_scroll() u0.3 con_scroll.c i188.5.23 con_select() u0.3 con_select.c i188.5.24 coordinata 97.1.2 copertina 47.2.5 copia 4.6.2 4.7.2 20.11 97.6.4 copia di sicurezza 21.4 copy u0.3 copyleft 1.1 1.5.2 copyright 1 core 3.29.6 core dump 10.1.2 corpus 61.2.2 cos() 24.17.5 COS() 97.28 97.28 COSH() 97.28 97.28 costante letterale composta 66.7.8 costante numerica 97.1.5 costola 47.2.5 COT() 97.28 97.28 COTH() 97.28 97.28 COUNTBLANK() 97.28 COUNTIF() 97.28 cp 3.28.4 4.6.2 4.7.2 20.11.5 86.9 u0.7 CP 437 47.7.7 CP 850 47.7.7 cp.c 96.1.11 i190.1.8 Cpio 20.13.1 CPL 83.1.1 cpp 65.7.2 66.2 CPU xxvi Cramfs 19.9.3 creat() 68.5.1 70.4.4 88.14 u0.11 creat.c 95.6.1 i189.4.1 CREATE DATABASE 74.6.2 CREATE TABLE CREATE USER 74.6.1 CREATE VIEW 74.5.4 create_compressed_fs 19.9.1 Creative Commons 1.5.8 crittografia 44.1 crittografia a chiave pubblica 44.1.1 crittografia a chiave segreta 44.1.1 crittografia asimmetrica 44.1.1 crittografia simmetrica 44.1.1 cron 11.5.1 Cron 11.5 crontab 11.5.2 11.5.4 crt0.mer.s 96.1.12 crt0.s 84.2.2 94.9.2 u0.2 i188.7.2 i190.1.9 crt0.sep.s 96.1.13 Cruft 7.7.9 Crynwr u0.1 crypt() 16.3.1 cs() u0.1 u0.12 csplit 22.5.4 CSS 54.6 55 cstream 20.11.9 ctermid() 69.17.17 ctime 20.10 ctime() u0.8 88.15 u0.13 ctlinnd i83.3.2 [Ctrl +] 97.8.1 [Ctrl -] 97.8.1 [Ctrl 1] 97.5 [Ctrl c] 97.6.4 [Ctrl F2] 97.9.1 [Ctrl F3] 97.19.1 [Ctrl Fine] 97.2.4 [Ctrl freccia] 97.2.4 [Ctrl Inizio] 97.2.4 [Ctrl Ins] 97.6.4 [Ctrl Invio] [Ctrl pagina] 97.2.4 [Ctrl v] 97.6.4 97.6.6 [Ctrl x] 97.6.6 [Ctrl_F12] 97.25.3 ctype.h 69.7 u0.5 95.1.5 i189.1.6 Cups 27.8 27.9 cupsaccept 27.9.2 cupsd.conf 27.9.3 cupsdisable 27.9.2 cupsenable 27.9.2 cupsreject 27.9.2 CurlFtpFS 19.11.5 cut 22.7.1 u0.3 CWD u0.6 CWDE 64.3 CX 64.2 u0.2 dacronym u94 daemon 10.10.2 daemon 3.13 3.29.6 data 97.13 data di accesso 20.10 data di creazione 20.10 data di modifica 20.10 DATA DIVISION 72.5 data pilot 97.24 DATA RECORD DATA() 97.13.2 97.28 DATA.MESE() 97.28 DATA.VALORE() 97.28 datagramma 32.1.4 DataMatrix 58.13 date 11.4.1 86.10 u0.2 u0.8 DATE() 97.28 date.c 96.1.14 i190.1.10 datei 3.18 DATEVALUE() 97.28 DAY() 97.28 Daylight savings time 11.1 DAYS() 97.28 DAYSINMONTH() 97.28 DAYSINYEAR() 97.28 Dazuko 43.2.1 db DBA DBF2pg i163.1.1 DBMS 46.4 v Dbview u0.1 Dcd 30.6.1 DCE 35.1.4 DCL 74.6 dd 20.11.8 u0.1 DDD 64.4.4 65.6.2 DDL 74.4 ddrescue 20.11.9 Debconf 7.7.11 Debian 1.5.5 7.7 DebianDoc 53.1 debiandoc2* Deborphan 7.7.10 DEC 64.3 64.9.1 u0.6 dec u94 u0.1 DECLARATIVES 72.11.1 DECLARE decoder u0.1 decodificatore u0.1 dedications u0.2 default 41.8.2 81.4.2 define define() 41.4.10 defined() 24.17.7 DEGREES() 97.28 delay u0.1 DELETE 72.12.5 DELETE FROM delete() 24.17.8 Delsafe 21.2.2 demone 3.13 3.29.6 10.10 demultiplatore u0.2 demultiplexer u0.2 Denemo 57.2.6 DEPENDING ON 72.7.4 depmod 8.6.6 description u0.2 descrittore 68.5 desktop 28.12 dev.h 84.7.1 93.4 94.3 Dev86 66.11.8 devices.h u0.2 u0.1 u0.2 dev_ata() 93.4.3 dev_ata.c 94.3.1 DEV_CONSOLE 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_CONSOLEn 84.7.4 u0.4 dev_dm() 93.4.2 dev_dm.c 84.7.1 94.3.2 DEV_DMmn 84.7.4 dev_dsk() i187.1.2 dev_dsk.c u0.2 i188.2.1 DEV_DSKn u0.4 dev_io() 84.7.1 93.4.1 u0.2 i187.1.1 dev_io.c 84.7.1 94.3.3 u0.2 i188.2.2 dev_kmem() 93.4.4 i187.1.3 dev_kmem.c 84.7.1 94.3.4 u0.2 i188.2.3 DEV_KMEM_ARP 84.7.4 DEV_KMEM_FILE 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_KMEM_INODE 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_KMEM_MMP 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_KMEM_NET 84.7.4 DEV_KMEM_PS 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_KMEM_ROUTE 84.7.4 DEV_KMEM_SB 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_MEM 84.7.4 u0.4 dev_mem() 93.4.5 i187.1.4 dev_mem.c 94.3.5 i188.2.4 DEV_NULL 84.7.4 u0.4 DEV_PORT 84.7.4 u0.4 dev_t 70.1 DEV_TTY 84.7.4 u0.4 dev_tty() 93.4.6 i187.1.5 dev_tty.c 84.7.1 94.3.6 u0.2 i188.2.5 DEV_ZERO 84.7.4 u0.4 df 4.5.4 dfn u94 DH 64.2 u0.2 dhclient dhclient.conf dhclient.leases DHCP 36.5 u0.2 u0.5 dhcp.conf 36.5.4 36.5.4 dhcp.leases 36.5.4 dhcp3-server dhcpcd 36.5.6 dhcpd 36.5.4 dhcrelay 36.5.5 di DI 64.2 u0.2 diag.h u0.5 u0.2 u0.3 Dialog 18.6.5 Dict 47.11.3 dict.conf 47.11.3 47.11.3 Dictd 47.11.1 die() 24.17.9 diff 22.12.1 differenza tra i file 7.3 22.12 difftime() u0.8 Dig 33.4.4 digraph 66.4.7 81.2.4 dimensione celle 97.2.9 DIN 476 47.1 DIR 68.10.1 68.10.1 70.6.2 dir 20.4.1 DIR.c 95.4.1 i189.2.1 dircolors 20.4.2 direction u0.2 directory 3.18 4.4 20.2 68.10 directory 68.6.4 directory corrente 4.4.1 directory home 4.4.6 directory personale 4.4.6 directory_t 84.1.6 u0.8 dirent.h 68.10 70.6 95.4 u0.2 dirname 20.3.3 dirname() 88.10 u0.7 dirname.c 95.9.2 i189.6.2 DIR_COLORS 20.4.2 Disc-Cover 30.8.1 disc-cover.conf 30.8.1 dischetto disco 19.1.2 disco fisso disco magneto-ottico 19.13.2 disco RAM iniziale 8.10 disco senza partizioni 19.13.2 disklabel u0.1 i221.1.1 disktype dislocamento 64.8.1 DISPARI() 97.28 displacement 64.8.1 DISPLAY 72.12.6 display displaymath 50.13.1 display_errors 41.3 dispositivo 4.16 8.3.8 8.9 dispositivo di memorizzazione 6.2 dispositivo di puntamento 14.10 28.1.1 dissipazione 9.1.3 DIV 64.3 64.5.5 u0.6 div i93.4.1 div() 69.9.10 u0.6 88.17 u0.15 div.c 95.19.7 i189.10.8 divert DIVIDE 72.12.7 divisione binaria 2.4.6 80.4.6 div_t 69.9.1 69.9.1 dizionario 47.11 dl u0.1 DL 64.2 u0.2 DLH u0.1 dll.conf 30.3.3 dm.h 93.5 94.4 DMA 9.3.3 DML 74.5 dm_init.c 94.4.1 dm_public.c 94.4.2 dm_t 84.7.6 dnl DNS 32.4.11 33.2 u0.1 do 41.8.4 81.4.4 do() 24.17.9 DocBook 53.2 docinfo u0.6 document 50.1.5 documentazione 5 documentazione FAQ 5.6 documentazione interna 5.2 documentazione ipertestuale 5.3 documentazione LDP 5.7 documentazione specializzata 5.5 documentazione tradotta 5.2.1 dog 22.2.6 domainname DOMENICA.DI.PASQUA() 97.28 dominio 3.29.4 dominio, nome di 32.4.10 dorso 47.2.5 DOS u87 u216 DOS: APPEND i208.8.2 DOS: ASSIGN i208.7.1 DOS: ATTRIB i208.8.3 DOS: AUTOEXEC.BAT u0.2 DOS: BREAK i209.1.1 DOS: BUFFERS i209.1.2 DOS: CALL u0.2 DOS: CH i207.7.1 DOS: CHCP i209.4.1 DOS: CHDIR i207.7.1 DOS: CHKDSK u0.4 DOS: CHOICE i210.4.5 DOS: CLS i210.4.4 DOS: COMP i208.8.8 DOS: CONFIG.SYS u0.1 DOS: COPY i207.7.6 DOS: COUNTRY i209.1.3 DOS: DATE u0.5 DOS: DEL i207.7.7 DOS: DELTREE i208.8.4 DOS: DEVICE i209.1.4 DOS: DEVICEHIGH i209.1.4 DOS: DIR i207.7.5 DOS: DISKCOPY i208.5.1 DOS: DOS i209.1.5 DOS: DRIVEPARM i209.1.6 DOS: ECHO i210.4.2 DOS: ERASE i207.7.7 DOS: FC i208.8.8 DOS: FCBS i209.1.7 DOS: FILES i209.1.8 DOS: FIND i208.8.5 DOS: FOR i210.3.2 DOS: FORMAT u0.2 DOS: GOTO i210.3.3 DOS: GRAFTABL i209.4.3 DOS: IF i210.3.1 DOS: INSTALL i209.1.9 DOS: JOIN i208.7.2 DOS: KEYB i209.4.2 DOS: LABEL u0.3 DOS: LASTDRIVE i209.1.10 DOS: LH u0.2 DOS: LOADHIGH u0.2 DOS: MD i207.7.3 DOS: MEM u0.3 DOS: MKDIR i207.7.3 DOS: MORE i207.8.2 DOS: MOVE i208.8.6 DOS: packet-driver u0.1 DOS: PAUSE i210.4.3 DOS: PPP u88 DOS: REM i210.4.1 DOS: REN i207.7.8 DOS: RENAME i207.7.8 DOS: RM i207.7.4 DOS: RMDIR i207.7.4 DOS: SET i207.7.9 DOS: SHELL i209.1.11 DOS: SHIFT u0.1 DOS: SORT i207.8.1 DOS: STACK i209.1.12 DOS: SUBST i208.7.3 DOS: SYS u0.6 DOS: TIME u0.5 DOS: TREE i208.8.7 DOS: TYPE i207.7.10 DOS: VERIFY i208.8.1 DOS: VOL u0.3 DOS: XCOPY i208.5.2 doschk 19.2.4 DOSEMU u216 dosfsck DosLynx u0.11 dot-clock i78.2.1 double 81.2.2 Dpkg 7.7.6 dpkg-reconfigure 7.7.11 dpkg-reconfigure locales 13.3 dpkg-scanpackages 7.11.3 7.11.4 DPL 83.1.1 driveprm DROP TABLE DROP USER 74.6.1 DROP VIEW 74.5.4 ds() u0.1 u0.12 Dselect 7.7.7 7.9 dsk0 u0.2 dsk1 u0.2 dsk_chs_t u0.8 u0.4 dsk_read_bytes() u0.4 dsk_read_bytes.c i188.5.25 dsk_read_sectors() u0.4 dsk_read_sectors.c i188.5.26 dsk_reset() u0.4 dsk_reset.c i188.5.27 dsk_sector_to_chs() u0.4 dsk_sector_to_chs.c i188.5.28 dsk_setup() u0.4 dsk_setup.c i188.5.29 dsk_t u0.8 u0.4 dsk_table.c i188.5.30 dsk_write_bytes() u0.4 dsk_write_bytes.c i188.5.31 dsk_write_sectors() u0.4 dsk_write_sectors.c i188.5.32 DSN 78.1 dsp 30.10.4 DST 11.1 dt u0.1 DTD 51.1 52.3.4 dtd2html 51.2.7 dtddiff 51.2.7 DTE 35.1.4 du 4.5.4 20.4.4 dumpe2fs dumpkeys 14.3.8 dup() 70.5.3 87.12 u0.8 dup.c 95.30.7 i189.17.6 dup2() 70.5.3 87.12 u0.8 dup2.c 95.30.8 i189.17.7 durata di memorizzazione 66.4.5 durata media di permanenza in magazzino 97.13.6 DVD 19.7.2 30.19 DVD±R 19.8 DVD±RW 19.8 DVD+rw-format 19.8.3 DVD+rw-tools 19.8.3 DVD-ROM 19.7 Dvdauthor 30.19.3 30.19.5 Dvdbackup 30.19.4 DVDStyler 30.20 DVI 26.3 dvi2fax dviconcat dvicopy dvidvi Dvilj 26.3.4 dvipng Dvips dvired dviselect DX 64.2 u0.2 E() 97.28 e2fsck EAGLES 61.3.1 EAN 58.4 EAN-13 58.3 EAN-8 58.3 EASTERSUNDAY() 97.28 Eawpatches 30.12.3 EAX 64.2 EBP 64.2 64.10.4 EBX 64.2 eccesso 3 63.3.1 eccezione 83.6.1 echo 17.3.4 17.7.8 18.6.1 ECHO 70.7.7 ECHOE 70.7.7 ECHOK 70.7.7 ECHONL 70.7.7 ECX 64.2 ed 86.11 u0.9 ed.c 96.1.15 i190.1.11 EDATE() 97.28 edge triggered flip-flop SR u0.6 EDI 64.2 editing 22.15 edition u0.2 editoria elettronica 25 II 47.4 editoria elettronica: Alml u112 editoria elettronica: Lout u121 editoria elettronica: LyX u122 editoria elettronica: SGML u117 u119 u120 editoria elettronica: Texinfo u120 EDOM 69.5 edquota 19.6.9 EDX 64.2 effective user id 16.2.1 EFLAGS 64.2 egrep 23.3 EHCI 9.6.4 ehci-hcd.ko 9.7.2 EIDE 9.3.4 EILSEQ 69.5 EIP 64.2 EISA 9.5.3 El-Torito elaboratore 3.1 3.2.4 elaboratore cliente 3.29.4 elaboratore servente 3.29.4 ELF 8.3.6 65.4 elf-to-os32 94.1.3 eliminazione di celle 97.8.1 eliminazione di colonne 97.8.2 eliminazione di righe 97.8.2 ELKS u205 u206 else 41.8.1 81.4.1 em u94 email u94 u0.3 email 39 39.11 39.13 embimg u98 u0.2 EncFS 19.11.7 encfsctl enclosure u100 endgrent() 88.53 endianess 63.3.7 endianess 63.1.6 80.7.4 endofchapter i93.3.2 endpwent() 88.57 u0.53 Enscript 27.6.2 ENTER 64.10.5 64.11 u0.6 entità generale 51.1.6 entità parametrica 51.1.6 enum 66.7.1 enumerate 50.8.3 enumerazione 66.7.1 enumi 50.8.3 enumii 50.8.3 enumiii 50.8.3 enumiv 50.8.3 env 18.5 environ 68.3.6 91.1 u0.1 environ.c 95.30.9 i189.17.8 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 72.4 environment.c 95.19.8 i189.10.9 eof 24.17.3 EOF 67.1.3 69.17.2 u0.9 EOMONTH() 97.28 EPS 26.1.4 eps2eps 26.1.6 epsimg u98 u0.3 Eqn 25.3 equ equation 50.4.2 50.13.1 ERANGE 69.5 ERE 23.1.1 errfn 88.20 u0.18 errln 88.20 u0.18 errno 67.2.7 68.5.4 69.5 88.20 u0.18 errno.c 95.5.1 i189.3.1 errno.h 69.5 95.5 u0.3 error.log 40.2.1 errore 97.10 errore di segmentazione 65.3.3 error_reporting 41.3 errset() 88.20 u0.18 es() u0.1 u0.12 [Esc] escape 4.9.3 esecuzione di un programma 65.3 eseguibile 3.27 4.13 8.3.6 18.1 esempio: ppp-chiudi 35.18.3 esempio: ppp-connetti 35.18.3 ESI 64.2 ESP 64.2 espansione esponente 63.3.6 espressione 24.5 97.1.8 97.6.1 espressione aritmetica 17.3.3 espressione multipla 81.3.7 espressione regolare 3.29.6 23.1 23.2 24.13 68.2 ESSID 32.7.4 estensione .mg 30.12.2 estensione .mid 30.12.1 estensione .midi 30.12.1 etf2ly 57.2.5 Etherape 29.5.2 Ethernet 8.5.4 32.5.2 32.6.1 ethers eukleidesimg u98 european article number 58.4 eval 17.3.4 eval() 24.17.9 EVEN() 97.28 exa u94 u0.1 Excel: conversione u0.7 exec 17.3.4 exec() 24.17.4 execl() 68.3.2 70.5.3 88.21 u0.20 execl.c 95.30.10 i189.17.9 execle() 70.5.3 88.21 u0.20 execle.c 95.30.11 i189.17.10 execlp() 70.5.3 88.21 u0.20 execlp.c 95.30.12 i189.17.11 execv() 70.5.3 88.21 u0.20 execv.c 95.30.13 i189.17.12 execve() 68.3.7 70.5.3 87.14 u0.10 execve.c 95.30.14 i189.17.13 execvp() 70.5.3 88.21 u0.20 execvp.c 95.30.15 i189.17.14 exicyclog i80.7.1 Exiftool 30.2 Exim u80 exists() 24.17.8 EXIT 72.12.8 exit 17.2.1 17.3.4 exit status exit() 24.17.9 66.1.9 69.9.7 u0.6 81.5.5 88.7 u0.4 exit.c 95.19.9 i189.10.10 EXIT_FAILURE 69.9.2 EXIT_SUCCESS 69.9.2 EXP() 97.28 97.28 exp() 24.17.5 expand 22.8.1 export 17.3.4 exportfs 36.3.1 exports 36.3.1 expr 18.7.3 Ext2 3.29.3 6.3 Ext3 3.29.3 6.3 Ext4 3.29.3 6.3 Extended industry standard architecture 9.5.3 Extended service set it 32.7.4 extern 66.3.2 66.3.4 extern const volatile external linkage 66.3.1 EXTLINUX 6.10 6.10.6 extract_compressed_fs 19.9.1 extramaincontents i93.3.2 eyeOS 45.4 45.5 F 81.2.3 [F11] 97.22.1 [F12] 97.25.2 FACT() 97.28 factor 22.13.1 fakechroot 43.5.1 fakeroot 43.5.1 false 16.12.1 18.7.1 69.12 FALSE 41.4.2 FALSE() 97.28 falselogin 16.12.1 falselogin.conf 16.12.1 FALSO() 97.28 FAQ 5.6 faqh2 i93.3.5 faqh3 i93.3.5 FAT 3.29.3 FATTORIALE() 97.28 fattura-00.ods 97.3.8 fattura-01.ods 97.4.3 fattura-02.ods 97.5.8 fattura-03.ods 97.7.6 fattura-04.ods 97.11.8 fattura-05.ods 97.11.9 fattura-06.ods 97.13.8 fattura-07.ods 97.15.4 fattura-08.ods 97.16.5 fattura-09.ods 97.17.5 fattura-10.ods 97.17.6 fattura-11.ods 97.17.7 fattura-12.ods 97.17.8 fattura-13.ods 97.17.9 fattura-14.ods 97.17.10 fattura-15.ods 97.21.3 fb0 14.9.3 fbcon 14.9.3 fchdir() 87.6 fchdir.c 95.30.16 i189.17.15 fchmod() 70.2.3 u0.16 87.7 u0.4 fchmod.c 95.25.2 i189.13.2 fchown() 70.5.3 87.8 u0.5 fchown.c 95.30.17 i189.17.16 fclose() 67.2.1 69.17.7 u0.9 88.28 u0.27 fclose.c 95.18.3 i189.9.3 fcntl 24.17.3 fcntl() 70.4.4 87.18 u0.13 fcntl.c 95.6.2 i189.4.2 fcntl.h 68.5 70.4 95.6 u0.4 FD fdformat 4.15.1 fdisk 6.7 94.1.4 fdopen() 69.17.7 fd_chmod() u0.8 i187.3.1 fd_chmod.c i188.4.1 fd_chown() u0.8 i187.3.2 fd_chown.c i188.4.2 FD_CLOEXEC 68.10.3 70.4.2 fd_close() u0.8 i187.3.3 fd_close.c i188.4.3 fd_dup() 84.8.9 93.6.1 u0.8 i187.3.4 fd_dup.c 94.5.1 i188.4.4 fd_dup2() u0.8 i187.3.4 fd_dup2.c i188.4.5 fd_fcntl() u0.8 i187.3.6 fd_fcntl.c i188.4.6 fd_lseek() u0.8 i187.3.7 fd_lseek.c i188.4.7 fd_open() u0.8 i187.3.8 fd_open.c i188.4.8 fd_read() u0.8 i187.3.9 fd_read.c i188.4.9 fd_reference() 84.8.9 93.6.2 u0.8 i187.3.10 fd_reference.c 94.5.2 i188.4.10 fd_stat() u0.8 i187.3.50 fd_stat.c i188.4.11 fd_t 84.1.6 u0.8 fd_write() u0.8 i187.3.12 fd_write.c i188.4.12 Feng Office 45.7 feof() 69.17.18 u0.9 88.29 u0.28 feof.c 95.18.4 i189.9.4 ferror() 69.17.18 u0.9 88.30 u0.29 ferror.c 95.18.5 i189.9.5 FETCH Fetchmail 39.11.3 fflush() 69.17.8 u0.9 88.31 u0.30 fflush.c 95.18.6 i189.9.6 FFmpeg 30.18.1 ffs() 70.3.1 fg 10.8.6 17.3.4 fgetc() 69.17.11 u0.9 88.32 u0.31 fgetc.c 95.18.7 i189.9.7 fgetpos() 69.17.14 u0.9 88.33 u0.32 fgetpos.c 95.18.8 i189.9.8 fgets() 67.2.4 69.17.12 u0.9 88.34 u0.33 fgets.c 95.18.9 i189.9.9 fgrep 23.3 FHS 19.12 Fibonacci 62.3.9 i18.1.9 fichier 3.18 FIFO 10.1.3 20.15 68.9 fig2dev figimg u98 u0.4 figure 50.4.2 50.8.7 50.8.7 file 68.5 file 3.3 17.4 FILE 66.8.10 67.1.1 67.2 69.17.1 file 4.5.3 20.4.3 u94 file aperto 10.4 file crontab 11.5 file DBF u163 file di dispositivo 8.9 file di intestazione 66.2.2 file di testo 4.12 22.1 22.15 file eseguibile 3.27 65.3.2 file manager 29.3 file manager 22.16 file normale 3.18 file oggetto 65.3.1 file PPD 27.2.12 FILE SECTION 72.5.1 file speciale 68.8 file system 68.6 68.7 file temporaneo 18.4 file system 3.3 19.2 19.2.1 19.12 file system compresso 19.9 file system Unix 19.1.8 file system 3.18 4.15 file() 41.13 FILE-CONTROL file-immagine 19.13.3 file-make 7.1 File-roller 29.3.4 FILE.c 95.18.1 i189.9.1 FILENAME_MAX 69.17.2 u0.9 fileno 24.17.3 fileno() 88.35 u0.34 fileno.c 95.18.10 i189.9.10 file_get_contents() 41.13 file_image_functions 94.1.5 file_pipe_make() 93.6.4 file_pipe_make.c 94.5.3 file_put_contents() 41.13 file_reference() 84.8.6 93.6.5 u0.5 i187.3.13 file_reference.c 94.5.4 i188.4.13 file_stdio_dev_make() 84.8.6 93.6.6 u0.5 i187.3.14 file_stdio_dev_make.c 94.5.5 i188.4.14 file_t 84.1.6 84.8.6 u0.8 u0.5 file_table.c i188.4.15 filigrana 44.9 FILLER 72.6.1 filmato 30.15 30.16 30.18 filtro 97.18.2 filtro di pacchetto IP 42.5 filtro di stampa 27.5 27.5.2 finalization 19.7.1 Find 4.14.1 23.4 [Fine] 97.2.4 fine lavoro 4.2.3 FINE.MESE() 97.28 Finger 36.6.3 finger 36.6.3 fingerd 36.6.3 firewall 42.4 42.5 firma digitale 44.1 firma MD5 22.10.3 firma SHA1 22.10.4 firmware 8.8 firmware 32.7.10 fissamaiuscole 14.1.5 14.2.1 fixation 19.7.1 Flac 30.13.5 flag 63.2.2 63.4.5 FLAGS 64.2 u0.2 flip-flop u129 flip-flop JK u0.10 flip-flop SR u0.3 flip-flop SR controllato u0.5 flip-flop T u0.9 float 81.2.2 flock 24.17.3 flockfile() 69.17.15 flooder 37.2.3 FLOOR() 97.28 floppy FLOSS 1.5.7 flushleft 50.8.2 flushright 50.8.2 flusso di controllo 68.4 flusso di file 67.1.1 fmt 22.3.1 fold 22.3.3 font 29.2.3 Foomatic-rip 27.5.5 footnote 50.4.2 50.6.5 u0.2 FOP 52.3 fopen() 67.2.1 69.17.7 u0.9 88.36 u0.35 fopen.c 95.18.11 i189.9.11 FOPEN_MAX 69.17.2 u0.9 for 24.6.4 41.8.5 81.4.5 foreach 24.6.5 41.8.6 foreground 10.8.1 Foremost 21.1.1 foremost.conf 21.1.1 fork() 68.3.1 70.5.3 87.19 u0.14 fork.c 95.30.18 i189.17.17 forloop form 97.18.3 formal parameter 66.4.1 format 94.1.6 formato a.out 63.2.8 formato logico 97.12.1 formattazione 19.2.1 formula 97.1.8 97.6.1 Fortune 22.18.7 FOSS 1.5.7 fpathconf() 70.5.3 FPC u0.3 fpos_t 66.8.11 69.17.1 fprintf() u0.10 88.91 u0.78 fprintf.c 95.18.12 i189.9.12 fputc() 69.17.11 u0.9 88.38 u0.37 fputc.c 95.18.13 i189.9.13 fputs() 67.2.4 69.17.12 u0.9 88.39 u0.38 fputs.c 95.18.14 i189.9.14 FQDN 32.4.10 frame u0.2 frame 32.2 frame buffer 14.9.3 14.9.4 FRAZIONE_ANNO() 97.28 fread() 67.2.2 69.17.13 u0.9 88.40 u0.39 fread.c 95.18.15 i189.9.15 [freccia] 97.2.4 free 10.5.2 free() 66.5.17 69.9.6 u0.6 88.76 u0.66 Free-Pascal u0.3 free.c 95.19.23 FreeAmp 30.13.9 FreeBSD 1.5.1 u203 Freeling 61.3 Freenet6 32.15.9 freopen() 69.17.7 u0.9 88.36 u0.35 freopen.c 95.18.16 i189.9.16 freshclam freshclam.conf front cover page 47.2.5 frontcoverbottom u0.2 frontcovertop u0.2 frontespizio 47.2.5 fs.h 84.8 93.6 94.5 u176 u0.3 u0.4 fscanf() u0.11 88.102 u0.90 fscanf.c 95.18.17 i189.9.17 fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4 fsck.msdos fseek() 67.2.3 69.17.14 u0.9 88.44 u0.43 fseek.c 95.18.18 i189.9.18 fseeko() 69.17.14 88.44 u0.43 fseeko.c 95.18.19 i189.9.19 fsetpos() 69.17.14 u0.9 88.33 u0.32 fsetpos.c 95.18.20 i189.9.20 fstab 19.6.2 19.11.3 u0.1 fstat() 70.2.3 u0.16 87.55 u0.36 fstat.c 95.25.3 i189.13.3 fs_init() 93.6.3 fs_init.c 94.5.6 fs_public.c 94.5.7 ftell() 67.2.3 69.17.14 u0.9 88.47 u0.46 ftell.c 95.18.21 i189.9.21 ftello() 69.17.14 88.47 u0.46 ftello.c 95.18.22 i189.9.22 ftp 38.4 FTP 38 FTP anonimo 38.2 FTP attivo 38.1 FTP passivo 38.1 ftpchroot 38.5.1 ftpd 38.5 ftpusers 38.2 38.5.1 ftpwelcome 38.5.1 ftruncate() 70.5.3 ftrylockfile() 69.17.15 full adder u0.9 fully qualified domain name 32.4.10 function-like macro 66.2.3 funlockfile() 69.17.15 funzione 49.17.8 97.9 FUSE 19.11 fuse.conf 19.11.2 Fuser 10.4 43.8.2 fusermount 19.11.1 fusibile 9.1.2 fusione 62.6.2 fusione celle 97.3.7 fuso orario 16.11.5 Fvwm 28.9 fwrite() 67.2.2 69.17.13 u0.9 88.49 u0.48 fwrite.c 95.18.23 i189.9.23 F_DUPFD 70.4.2 F_GETFD 70.4.2 F_GETFL 70.4.2 F_GETLK 70.4.2 F_GETOWN 70.4.2 F_OK 70.5.2 F_RDLCK 70.4.3 F_SETFD 70.4.2 F_SETFL 70.4.2 F_SETLK 70.4.2 F_SETLKW 70.4.2 F_SETOWN 70.4.2 F_UNLCK 70.4.3 F_WRLCK 70.4.3 Gaim 37.3.2 garbage collector 66.5.17 GAS 64.4.1 gated SR latch u0.5 gateway 32.3 Gazie 46.8 xii Gazie: agenti 102.7 Gazie: aliiva 102.1 Gazie: anagra 102.3 Gazie: artico 102.6 Gazie: aziend 102.20 Gazie: banapp 102.10 Gazie: body_text 102.15 Gazie: catmer 102.6 Gazie: caucon 102.4 Gazie: caumag 102.8 Gazie: clfoco 102.3 Gazie: contract 102.18 Gazie: contract_row 102.18 Gazie: effett 102.17 Gazie: imball 102.11 Gazie: movmag 102.9 Gazie: pagame 102.2 Gazie: portos 102.12 Gazie: provvigioni 102.7 Gazie: rigbro 102.19 Gazie: rigdoc 102.16 Gazie: rigmoc 102.5 Gazie: rigmoi 102.5 Gazie: spediz 102.13 Gazie: tesbro 102.19 Gazie: tesdoc 102.16 Gazie: tesmov 102.5 Gazie: vettor 102.14 gcal 11.9.4 gcc 65.7 GCC 65.7 Gcd 30.6.5 GCD() 97.28 GCJ u0.5 GDB 64.4.2 65.6.2 Gdialog 18.6.5 Gdm 28.11.5 GDT 83.4 gdt() 84.3.3 gdt.c 94.6.8 gdt_load() 84.3.3 gdt_load.s 94.6.9 gdt_print() 84.3.3 gdt_print.c 94.6.10 gdt_public.c 94.6.11 gdt_segment() 84.3.3 gdt_segment.c 94.6.12 gdt_t 84.1.6 Geeqie 30.4.10 genisoimage geometria del disco geroglifico u123 gestione delle immagini 30.4 gestore di file 22.16 29.3 gestore di finestre 28.9 28.10 gestore di sessione 28.11 28.12 get-edid u0.1 getc 24.17.3 getc() 69.17.11 88.32 u0.31 getchar() 69.17.11 88.32 u0.31 getchar.c 95.18.24 i189.9.24 getchar_unlocked() 69.17.15 getcwd() 70.5.3 87.21 u0.16 getcwd.c 95.30.19 i189.17.18 getc_unlocked() 69.17.15 getegid() 70.5.3 87.22 getegid.c 95.30.20 getenv() 69.9.8 88.52 u0.51 getenv.c 95.19.10 i189.10.11 geteuid() 70.5.3 87.27 u0.18 geteuid.c 95.30.21 i189.17.19 getfacl 20.9.3 20.9.3 getgid() 70.5.3 87.22 getgid.c 95.30.22 getgrent() 88.53 getgrgid() 88.54 getgrgid.c i189.5.1 getgrnam() 88.54 getgrnam.c i189.5.2 getgroups() 70.5.3 gethostname() 70.5.3 getlogin() 70.5.3 getlogin_r() 70.5.3 getopt() 70.5.3 88.56 u0.52 getopt.c 95.30.23 i189.17.20 getopts 17.3.4 getpgrp() 70.5.3 87.25 u0.20 getpgrp.c 95.30.24 i189.17.21 getpid() 70.5.3 87.25 u0.20 getpid.c 95.30.25 i189.17.22 getppid() 70.5.3 87.25 u0.20 getppid.c 95.30.26 i189.17.23 getpwent() 88.57 u0.53 getpwnam() 88.58 u0.54 getpwuid() 88.58 u0.54 gets() 69.17.12 u0.9 88.34 u0.33 gets.c 95.18.25 i189.9.25 Gettext 71 17.5 getty 92.2 u0.1 getty.c 96.1.16 i190.1.12 getuid() 70.5.3 87.27 u0.18 getuid.c 95.30.27 i189.17.24 Ghostscript 26.1.2 giacenza media 97.6.11 GID 3.29.2 gid_t 70.1 Gimp 30.4.4 GIORNI() 97.28 GIORNI.ANNO() 97.28 GIORNI.MESE() 97.28 GIORNO() 97.28 GIORNO.SETTIMANA() 97.28 Gksu 28.5.7 glob() 24.17.2 global descriptor table 83.4 globbing 3.24 3.29.3 4.9.2 Gmemusage 29.5.1 GMT 11.1 gmtime() u0.8 88.15 u0.13 gmtime.c 95.29.3 i189.16.3 Gnome 28.12.4 Gnome control center Gnome panel Gnome PGP 44.2.7 gnome-session 28.12.4 Gnome-volume-control 30.10.3 gnome-wm 28.12.4 gnomecc GNU 1.5.2 GNU AS 64.4.1 Gnumeric 29.6.2 GnuPG 44.2 Gnuplot u0.2 gnuplotimg u98 u0.7 GO TO 72.12.9 gogoc 32.15.9 gogoClient 32.15.9 Google documenti u36 Google documenti 45.8 Gpaint 30.4.8 Gpart 19.3.1 gpasswd GPC u0.2 gpg 44.2 gpgm 44.2 GPGP 44.2.7 GPM u0.2 gpm 14.10.2 gpm.conf u0.2 gpmdata 14.10.1 GQview 30.4.10 GRADI() 97.28 grafico 97.14 GRANT 74.6.3 GraphicsMagick 30.4.6 Greenwich mean time 11.1 grent.c 95.7.1 Grep 4.14.2 23.3 Grepmail 39.10 griglia 97.4.2 Grip 30.7.2 Groff 25 groff 25.4 group 90.1 groupadd groupdel groups Growisofs 19.8.3 grp.h 95.7 u0.5 grpck grpconv grpunconv gruppo di elaborazione 10.8 17.2.5 gruppo privato 16.7.4 gs 26.1.2 gshadow gtcd 30.6.2 gtkrc 27.2.11 Gtkwhiteboard 60.8 Gtypist 15.9 Gucharmap 47.7.10 gunzip 20.14.1 GWADM 41.17 gzcat 20.14.1 gzip 20.14.1 GZT 46.8 100.5 u37 h0 i93.3.2 u0.1 h1 i93.3.2 u0.1 h2 i93.3.2 u0.1 h3 i93.3.2 u0.1 h4 i93.3.2 u0.1 half adder u0.9 handshaking 35.1.3 Hanoi 62.5.3 i18.3.2 i149.3.2 i153.3.2 i159.3.2 i160.3.2 hard link 20.11.2 hash 24.4 hash 17.3.4 Hayes 35.2.1 hd 22.11.1 hd* 9.3.5 head 22.5.1 u0.2 header file 66.2.2 header_t 84.1.6 heap_clear() u0.57 heap_clear.c i189.12.9 heap_min() u0.57 heap_min.c i189.12.10 heightrequired u0.1 Help2man u0.2 hex() 24.17.6 hexcat 22.11.2 hexdump 22.11.1 HLT u0.6 hold time u0.7 host 3.29.4 Host 33.4.3 host.conf 33.1.1 hostid 12.7 hostinfo-* 36.5.6 hosting 46.5 hostname 12.5 12.5 hosts hosts.allow 36.1.4 36.2.2 36.4.5 43.4.2 hosts.deny 36.1.4 36.2.2 36.4.5 43.4.2 hosts.equiv 27.2.8 36.7 44.7.3 hosts.lpd 27.2.8 hosts.nntp i83.4.1 hotplug 8.8 HOUR() 97.28 HOWTO 5.5 HPIJS 26.1.3 hr u0.1 ht://Dig 40.6 htdig.conf 40.6.1 htdigconfig 40.6.1 html u106 HTML 54.2 54.4 54.11 55 HTML2ps 54.9 html2psrc 54.9.1 HTMLDOC 54.11 htmlentities() 41.11 htmlmeta u0.2 htmlspecialchars() 41.11 htmlspecialchars_decode() 41.11 html_entity_decode() 41.11 htonl() 88.11 htonl.c 95.3.1 htons() 88.11 htons.c 95.3.2 htop 10.3.5 htsearch 40.6.2 HTTP 40 40.2 40.4 u0.4 u57 http 92.3 http.c 96.1.17 Hunspell 47.9.3 hwclock 11.4.3 h_addr_t 84.1.6 84.10 I&D 84.1.3 u0.4 u0.3 I-O-CONTROL I-seek-you 37.3 i18n 3.29.6 i25 58.8 IBM CP 437 47.7.7 IBM CP 850 47.7.7 IBM PC u168 ibm_i386.h 84.3 93.7 94.6 ibm_i86.h u172 u0.4 u0.5 ICANON 70.7.7 Icecast 1 30.14.1 ICMP 32.8.3 83.12.4 icmp.h 93.8 94.12.10 95.10 icmplog 43.8.7 icmp_rx() 84.11 icmp_rx.c 94.12.11 icmp_tx() 84.11 icmp_tx.c 94.12.12 icmp_tx_echo() 84.11 icmp_tx_echo.c 94.12.13 icmp_tx_unreachable() 84.11 icmp_tx_unreachable.c 94.12.14 Iconv 47.8.2 ICQ 37.3 ICRNL 70.7.4 id IDE 9.3 9.3.4 83.9 IDENT 43.3 Ident2 43.3.1 identd 43.3.1 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION 72.3 identità efficace 16.2.1 identità reale 16.2.1 identità salvata 16.2.1 identity 44.7.1 44.7.1 identtestd 43.3.2 Ideone 46.3.1 IDIV 64.3 64.5.5 u0.6 IDT 83.5 idt() 84.3.4 idt.c 94.6.13 idtr_t 84.1.6 idt_descriptor() 84.3.4 idt_descriptor.c 94.6.14 idt_irq_remap() 84.3.4 idt_irq_remap.c 94.6.15 idt_load() 84.3.4 idt_load.s 94.6.16 idt_print() 84.3.4 idt_print.c 94.6.17 idt_public.c 94.6.18 idt_t 84.1.6 id_dsa 44.7.1 44.7.1 id_rsa 44.7.1 44.7.1 id_t 70.1 IEEE 1003.1 1.5.10 IEEE 754 63.3.6 IEEE 802.11 32.7 IEEE 802.3 32.5.2 32.6.1 IEXTEN 70.7.7 if 24.6.1 41.8.1 81.4.1 IF 72.12.10 Ifconfig 32.9.1 32.9.2 ifdef ifelse ifhtml u106 ifnotref u0.1 ifref u0.1 iftex u106 if_inet6 32.15.1 IGNBRK 70.7.4 IGNCR 70.7.4 IGNPAR 70.7.4 IJS im 28.8 ImageMagick 30.4.5 imapd 39.11.1 imaxabs() 69.10.3 88.3 imaxabs.c 95.8.1 imaxdiv() 69.10.1 88.17 imaxdiv.c 95.8.2 imaxdiv_t 69.10.1 img u98 u0.1 imgblock u98 immagine immagine di un processo elaborativo 65.3.3 implementation 3.29.6 import impronta digitale 44.1.3 IMUL 64.3 64.5.4 u0.6 IN u0.6 u0.6 in.fingerd 36.6.3 in.ftpd 38.5 in.h 95.11 in.identtestd 43.3.2 in.rlogind 36.7.1 in.rshd 36.7.2 in.talkd 37.1.2 in.telnetd 36.8.1 in.tftpd 36.9.1 INB 83.2.1 INC 64.3 64.9.1 u0.6 include 41.10 include_once 41.10 incoming.conf i83.4.2 index u0.1 u0.3 indexentry u0.4 indicatore 63.2.2 63.4.5 indice 19.7.1 indice di affidabilità del fornitore 97.13.4 indice di rotazione 97.6.11 indice di rotazione del magazzino 97.13.6 indicizzazione dei file 40.6 indirizzamento 64.12 Industry standard architecture 9.5.1 inet.h 95.3 inetd 36.1.1 inetd.conf 30.3.3 36.1.1 36.1.3 inet_ntop() 88.66 inet_ntop.c 95.3.3 inet_pton() 88.67 inet_pton.c 95.3.4 info 5.3.1 informazione testuale 97.1.7 Init 10.2 init 68.3.4 92.4 u0.2 Init System V 10.2 init.c 96.1.18 i190.1.13 initdb 75.1.3 Initrd 8.10 Initrd tools 8.10.2 initscript 10.2.3 10.2.3 inittab 10.2.2 90.2 u0.1 inizializzazione 19.2.1 [Inizio] 97.2.4 INLCR 70.7.4 INN u83 innd i83.3.1 innesto di un file system 19.4.1 innesto di un file system 3.29.3 innfeed.conf i83.5.1 inode 19.1.8 inode 68.6.3 inode_alloc() 84.8.3 93.6.7 u0.3 i187.3.15 inode_alloc.c 94.5.8 i188.4.16 inode_check() 84.8.3 93.6.8 u0.3 i187.3.16 inode_check.c 94.5.9 i188.4.17 inode_dir_empty() 84.8.3 93.6.9 u0.3 i187.3.17 inode_dir_empty.c 94.5.10 i188.4.18 inode_file_read() 84.8.3 93.6.10 u0.3 i187.3.18 inode_file_read.c 94.5.11 i188.4.19 inode_file_write() 84.8.3 93.6.11 u0.3 i187.3.19 inode_file_write.c 94.5.12 i188.4.20 inode_free() 84.8.3 93.6.12 i187.3.20 inode_free.c 94.5.13 i188.4.21 inode_fzones_read() 84.8.3 93.6.13 u0.3 i187.3.21 inode_fzones_read.c 94.5.14 i188.4.22 inode_fzones_write() 84.8.3 93.6.13 i187.3.21 inode_fzones_write.c 94.5.15 i188.4.23 inode_get() 84.8.3 93.6.15 u0.3 i187.3.23 inode_get.c 94.5.16 i188.4.24 inode_pipe_make() 84.8.3 93.6.16 inode_pipe_make.c 94.5.17 inode_pipe_read() 84.8.3 93.6.17 inode_pipe_read.c 94.5.18 inode_pipe_write() 84.8.3 93.6.18 inode_pipe_write.c 94.5.19 inode_print() 84.8.3 93.6.19 inode_print.c 94.5.20 inode_put() 84.8.3 93.6.20 u0.3 i187.3.24 inode_put.c 94.5.21 i188.4.25 inode_reference() 84.8.3 93.6.21 u0.3 i187.3.25 inode_reference.c 94.5.22 i188.4.26 inode_save() 84.8.3 93.6.22 u0.3 i187.3.26 inode_save.c 94.5.23 i188.4.27 inode_stdio_dev_make() 84.8.3 93.6.23 i187.3.27 inode_stdio_dev_make.c 94.5.24 i188.4.28 inode_t 84.1.6 84.8.3 u0.8 u0.3 inode_table.c i188.4.29 inode_truncate() 84.8.3 93.6.24 u0.3 i187.3.28 inode_truncate.c 94.5.25 i188.4.30 inode_zone() 84.8.3 93.6.25 u0.3 i187.3.29 inode_zone.c 94.5.26 i188.4.31 ino_t 70.1 INPCK 70.7.4 input method 28.8 INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION 72.4.3 inputrc 17.6.3 input_line() 88.68 u0.60 input_line.c 95.21.1 i189.12.11 inserimento di celle 97.8.1 inserimento di colonne 97.8.2 inserimento di righe 97.8.2 INSERT INTO insieme di caratteri universale u16 u107 u108 insmod 8.6.3 INSPECT 72.12.11 install 20.11.7 installazione 6 installazione di applicativi 7.1 instradamento 32.10 32.11 INT 64.3 64.4.1 u0.6 int 81.2.2 INT() 97.28 97.28 int() 24.17.5 int10_00() u0.2 int10_02() u0.2 int10_05() u0.2 int12() u0.2 int13_00() u0.2 int13_02() u0.2 int13_03() u0.2 int16_00() u0.2 int16_01() u0.2 int16_02() u0.2 INT16_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 INT16_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 INT16_MIN 69.4.1 u0.3 int16_t 69.4.1 u0.3 INT32_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 INT32_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 INT32_MIN 69.4.1 u0.3 int32_t 69.4.1 u0.3 INT64_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 INT64_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 INT64_MIN 69.4.1 u0.3 int64_t 69.4.1 u0.3 INT8_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 INT8_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 INT8_MIN 69.4.1 u0.3 int8_t 69.4.1 u0.3 interfaccia di rete 83.11 interfogliata due su cinque 58.8 Interleaved two of five 58.8 internal linkage 66.3.1 internazionalizzazione 3.29.6 Internet Archive 1.5.6 Internet domain socket 34 34.4 InterNet News u83 Internet relay chat 37.2 Internet service daemon 36.1 intero con segno 63.3.4 80.4.8 intero senza segno 63.3.2 80.4.7 interprete dei comandi 17.1 interrupt u0.2 interrupt descriptor table 83.5 interrupt vector table u0.1 interruzione 83.5.4 interruzione di riga 3.29.3 67.1.2 97.5.4 interruzione di riga manuale intestazione di riga e di colonna 97.4.2 INTMAX_C() 69.4.5 u0.3 INTMAX_MAX 69.4.5 u0.3 INTMAX_MIN 69.4.5 u0.3 intmax_t 69.4.5 u0.3 INTO u0.6 INTPTR_MAX 69.4.4 u0.3 INTPTR_MIN 69.4.4 u0.3 intptr_t 69.4.4 u0.3 intro u0.1 u0.3 inttypes.h 69.10 u0.4 95.8 i189.1.7 INT_FAST16_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST16_MIN 69.4.3 u0.3 int_fast16_t 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST32_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST32_MIN 69.4.3 u0.3 int_fast32_t 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST64_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST64_MIN 69.4.3 u0.3 int_fast64_t 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST8_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_FAST8_MIN 69.4.3 u0.3 int_fast8_t 69.4.3 u0.3 INT_LEAST16_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST16_MIN 69.4.2 u0.3 int_least16_t 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST32_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST32_MIN 69.4.2 u0.3 int_least32_t 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST64_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST64_MIN 69.4.2 u0.3 int_least64_t 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST8_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_LEAST8_MIN 69.4.2 u0.3 int_least8_t 69.4.2 u0.3 INT_MAX 69.3 u0.2 INT_MIN 69.3 u0.2 inverter u125 invertitore u125 [Invio] 97.2.4 invito della shell 17.1.2 in_16() 84.3.1 u0.2 in_8() 84.3.1 u0.2 ioctl 24.17.3 IP 64.2 u0.2 ip 32.13 32.13.1 IP aliasing ip.h 84.10 93.9 94.12.15 95.12 IPC 10.1.3 ipconfig 92.5 ipconfig() 87.28 ipconfig.c 95.21.2 96.1.19 IPlogger 43.8.7 ipop2d 39.11.1 ipop3d 39.11.1 IPP 27.8 Iproute 32.13 IPTables 42.5.2 IPTraf 43.8.4 IPv4 32.4.2 42.1 83.12 83.12.2 IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses IPv6 32.8.1 32.14 32.15 ip_checksum() 84.10 ip_checksum.c 94.12.16 ip_header() 84.10 ip_header.c 94.12.17 ip_mask() 84.10 ip_mask.c 94.12.18 ip_public.c 94.12.19 ip_reference() 84.10 ip_reference.c 94.12.20 ip_rx() 84.10 ip_rx.c 94.12.21 ip_table[] 84.10.1 ip_tx() 84.10 ip_tx.c 94.12.22 IRC 37.2 ircd ircd.conf 37.2.4 ircd.motd ircII 37.2.5 IRET 83.5.4 u0.6 IRI 3.29.4 54.1 irq_off() 84.3.2 u0.2 irq_off.c 94.6.19 i188.5.33 irq_on() 84.3.2 u0.2 irq_on.c 94.6.20 i188.5.34 ISA 9.5.1 isalnum() 69.7.1 u0.5 isalpha() 69.7.1 u0.5 isascii() 69.7.1 isatty() 70.5.3 88.69 u0.61 isatty.c 95.30.28 i189.17.25 isblank() 69.7.1 u0.5 ISBN 58.5 iscntrl() 69.7.1 u0.5 isdigit() 69.7.1 u0.5 ISEVEN() 97.28 isgraph() 69.7.1 u0.5 ISIG 70.7.7 ISLEAPYEAR() 97.28 islower() 69.7.1 u0.5 ISO 10646 47.7 u16 72.10 u107 u108 ISO 13346 19.7 ISO 15445 54.2 54.4 ISO 216 47.1 ISO 646 47.7.5 ISO 8601 ISO 8802.11 32.7 ISO 8802.3 32.5.2 32.6.1 ISO 8859 47.7.6 ISO 9660 19.7 ISO 9945 1.5.10 ISO 9995-7 14.2.6 ISO Latin 47.7.6 ISO-OSI 32.2 iso646.h 69.11 ISODD() 97.28 ISOLINUX 6.10.5 Isolinux Isosize 19.13.6 Ispell 47.9.1 u0.4 isprint() 69.7.1 u0.5 ispunct() 69.7.1 u0.5 isql 78.4 isr.s 84.4.1 94.6.21 ISRC 30.5.1 isr_1C i187.8.1 isr_80 i187.8.1 isr_n() 84.3.5 isr_exception_name() 84.3.5 isr_exception_name.c 94.6.22 isr_exception_unrecoverable() 84.3.5 isr_exception_unrecoverable.c 94.6.23 isr_irq_clear() 84.3.5 isr_irq_clear.c 94.6.24 isr_irq_clear_pic1() 84.3.5 isr_irq_clear_pic1.c 94.6.25 isr_irq_clear_pic2() 84.3.5 isr_irq_clear_pic2.c 94.6.26 isset() 41.11 ISSN 58.5.1 isspace() 69.7.1 u0.5 issue 14.15.2 90.3 u0.2 36.8.1 istogramma 97.14.5 ISTRIP 70.7.4 isupper() 69.7.1 u0.5 isxdigit() 69.7.1 u0.5 itemize 50.8.3 ITF 58.8 iusql 78.4 IVT u0.1 ivt_load() i187.8.2 iwconfig 32.7.13 iwlist 32.7.14 IXOFF 70.7.4 IXON 70.7.4 JA 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JAE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 Java u150 u151 Java Development Kit u0.4 Java: do-while i151.4.4 Java: for i151.4.5 Java: if i151.4.1 Java: super i152.3.1 Java: switch i151.4.2 Java: this i152.3.2 Java: variabili u0.2 Java: while i151.4.3 JavaScript 54.7 JB 64.3 64.8.4 64.9.3 u0.6 JBE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JC 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 JCXZ 64.3 u0.6 JDK u0.4 JE 64.3 64.8.4 64.9.1 u0.6 JG 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JGE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JL 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JLE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JMP 64.3 64.8.2 64.9.2 u0.6 JMP FAR u0.6 JNA 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNAE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNB 64.3 u0.6 JNBE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNC 64.3 64.8.3 64.10.1 u0.6 JNE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNG 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNGE 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNL 64.3 64.8.4 u0.6 JNLE 64.8.4 JNO 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 JNP 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 JNS 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 JNZ 64.3 64.8.3 64.9.1 u0.6 JO 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 job 3.29.5 job di shell 10.8 17.2.5 jobs 10.8.4 17.3.4 join 22.7.3 Joliet JP 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 JPE u0.6 jpeg2yuv JPO u0.6 JS 64.3 64.8.3 u0.6 JUSTIFIED RIGHT 72.6.8 JZ 64.3 64.8.3 64.9.4 u0.6 Kaffe u150 Kappfinder Kaptain 18.6.5 Karnaugh u0.9 Karnaugh map u0.9 kartei 3.18 kbd u94 u0.2 u0.4 kbd.h 93.10 94.4.15 kbd_isr() kbd_isr.c 94.4.16 kbd_load() kbd_load.c 94.4.17 kbd_mode 14.3.3 kbd_public.c 94.4.18 kbd_t 84.1.6 Kcontrol KDE 28.12.5 Kdm 28.11.6 kernel 3.5 8 8.5 kernel.ld 84.2.2 94.1.7 keys() 24.17.8 keywords u0.2 Khelpcenter kill 10.7.3 10.8.8 17.3.4 86.12 u0.10 kill() 24.17.4 87.29 u0.22 kill.c 95.17.2 96.1.20 i189.8.1 i190.1.14 killall 10.7.3 killall5 10.7.3 klogd kmain.c 94.9.3 kmem_arp 89.3 kmem_file 89.4 u0.3 kmem_inode 89.5 u0.4 kmem_mmp 89.6 u0.5 kmem_net 89.7 kmem_ps 89.8 u0.6 kmem_route 89.9 kmem_sb 89.10 u0.7 Kmenuedit known_hosts 44.7.2 Kolourpaint 30.4.7 Konqueror 29.3.3 kp u94 u0.2 u0.4 Kpartx Kpersonalizer KQEMU 31.5 Ktouch 15.8 k_clock.c i188.6.1 k_close.c i188.6.2 k_exit.s 94.7.1 i188.6.3 k_gets.c 94.7.2 k_kill.c i188.6.4 k_libc.h u0.5 u0.6 k_open.c i188.6.5 k_perror.c 94.7.3 i188.6.6 k_printf.c 94.7.4 i188.6.7 k_puts.c i188.6.8 k_read.c i188.6.9 k_sleep.c 94.7.5 k_stime.c 94.7.6 i188.6.10 k_time.c i188.6.11 k_usleep.c 94.7.7 k_vprintf.c 94.7.8 i188.6.12 k_vsprintf.c 94.7.9 i188.6.13 L 81.2.3 81.2.3 L"..." 66.9.3 L'...' 66.9.3 l10n 3.29.6 LABEL RECORD labs() 69.9.10 u0.6 88.3 u0.3 labs.c 95.19.11 i189.10.12 LAHF u0.6 LAME 30.13.2 LAN 32.1.1 LANG u0.1 last lastcomm lastlog latch u129 latch SR u0.3 LaTeX 50 lateximg u98 u0.6 LBA 9.3.2 19.1.6 LCM() 97.28 LC_TIME 7.4.3 7.4.3 Ld86 u0.4 ldconfig 7.4.3 ldd 7.4.4 ldiv() 69.9.10 u0.6 88.17 u0.15 ldiv.c 95.19.12 i189.10.13 ldiv_t 69.9.1 LDP 5.7 LDS u0.6 LEA 64.3 64.12.2 u0.6 LEAVE 64.10.5 64.11 u0.6 led 14.3.4 legal u0.2 lemma 61.2.3 LES u0.6 less 5.1 lettera circolare 59.9 LGDT 83.4.8 li u0.1 libao.conf 30.13.4 Libdelsafe 21.2.2 21.2.3 libgen.h 95.9 u0.6 Libident 43.3.2 16.9.1 LibPQ 75.2.1 LibreOffice 29.6.1 LibreOffice Calc 97.2 libreria 7.4.3 libreria dinamica 65.2 libreria statica 65.2.5 lib_k.h 93.11 94.7 lib_s.h 93.12 94.8 licenza del software 1 Licq 37.3.1 LIDT 83.5.3 LIFO 63.1.1 80.7.1 LILO u76 u77 limits.h 69.3 u0.2 95.1.6 i189.1.8 linea dedicata 35.16 linguistica computazionale 61.2 link 3.19 4.8.2 63.2.8 66.3.1 link script 65.3.5 link() 24.17.1 70.5.3 87.30 u0.23 link.c 95.30.29 i189.17.26 linkage esterno 66.4.4 linkage interno 66.4.4 linked data 56 links.conf 8.9.2 Linux 1.5.4 LinuxDoc 53.1 LinuxInfo 12.8 list 50.8.3 lista 24.3 lista di comandi lista di posta elettronica 39.17 listen listen() 87.31 listen.c 95.23.4 little endian 63.3.7 little endian 63.1.6 80.7.4 livello di esecuzione 3.29.5 LL 81.2.3 llabs() 69.9.10 u0.6 88.3 llabs.c 95.19.13 lldiv() 69.9.10 u0.6 88.17 lldiv.c 95.19.14 lldiv_t 69.9.1 LLONG_MAX 69.3 u0.2 LLONG_MIN 69.3 u0.2 ln 3.28.5 4.8.2 20.11.6 86.13 u0.11 LN() 97.28 97.28 ln.c 96.1.21 i190.1.15 loadkeys 14.3.7 local time 11.1 locale 13.2 locale-gen 13.3 locale.alias 13.3 locale.gen 13.3 locale.h 66.9.2 69.6 u0.14 localedef 13.2 localizzazione 3.29.6 16.11 localtime 11.4 16.11.5 localtime() u0.8 88.15 u0.13 LODSB u0.6 LODSW u0.6 log 3.29.5 log() 24.17.5 LOG() 97.28 97.28 LOG10() 97.28 97.28 logger logic unit u0.7 login 3.23 3.29.2 16.2.2 login 86.14 u0.12 login grafico 28.11 login remoto 36.7 login.c 96.1.22 i190.1.16 login.defs logname logout 3.23 3.29.2 Logrotate logrotate.conf long 81.2.2 long long 81.2.2 longjmp() 84.4.8 87.49 longjmp.c 95.16.1 longtable 50.11.3 LONG_BIT 69.3.2 LONG_MAX 69.3 u0.2 LONG_MIN 69.3 u0.2 LOOP 64.3 64.8.5 64.9.1 u0.6 loop 19.13.3 loopback 32.4.4 LOOPE 64.3 64.8.5 u0.6 LOOPNE 64.3 64.8.5 u0.6 LOOPNZ 64.3 64.8.5 u0.6 LOOPZ 64.3 64.8.5 u0.6 Lout u121 lp 27.2.4 lp0 27.1.1 lpadmin 27.9.2 lpc 27.2.7 lpd 27.2 27.2.2 lpd.conf 27.2.9 lpd.perms 27.2.9 lpinfo 27.9.1 lpq 27.2.5 lpr 27.2 27.2.4 lprm 27.2.6 LPRng 27.2.9 27.7 lrbox 50.9.6 ls 3.28.1 4.5.1 20.4.1 86.15 u0.13 ls.c 96.1.23 i190.1.17 lsattr 20.8.2 lsdev 12.1.2 lseek() 68.5.3 70.5.3 87.33 u0.24 lseek.c 95.30.30 i189.17.27 lshw 12.4 LSI UNIX i221.5.2 lsmod 8.6.5 Lsof 10.4 lspci 9.5.6 lspci 12.2 lstat() 24.17.1 70.2.3 u0.16 lsusb 12.3 LSX i221.5.2 Lucid desktop 45.6 luit 14.8.5 47.8.3 lvalue 66.4.6 66.5.1 82.1 lyimg u98 u0.5 Lynx u0.7 Lyx u122 L_ctermid 69.17.2 L_tmpnam 69.17.2 u0.9 m// 24.12.5 M4 23.7 macchina da scrivere 14.1 15 magazzino 97.6.10 97.6.11 magazzino, consistenza media 97.13.5 magazzino, durata media di permanenza 97.13.6 magazzino, indice di rotazione 97.13.6 magic number 4.5.3 18.1.2 20.4.3 30.1.1 magic SysRq 8.11 Magicfilter 27.5.3 mail 39.7 mail.rc 39.7 mailing-list 39.17 Mailman 39.17.2 mailq 39.3.2 u0.1 u0.6 Mailx 39.7 main memory 9.10 main() 66.5.11 82.16 84.2.3 u0.3 main.c i188.7.3 main.h 93.13 94.9 u0.6 u0.7 maincontents u0.2 [Maiuscole Canc] 97.6.6 [Maiuscole Ins] 97.6.4 97.6.6 major() 88.75 u0.65 major.c 95.26.1 i189.14.1 Make 7.2 65.8 make-kpkg 8.2 makedbm 36.4.5 36.4.5 MAKEDEV 8.9.1 19.12.4 20.16.2 20.16.2 92.6 u0.3 makedev() 88.75 u0.65 makedev.c 95.26.2 i189.14.2 MAKEDEV.c 96.1.1 i190.1.1 MAKEDEV.local 19.12.4 Makefile 7.1 65.8 makefile 7.1 makeindex 50.10.3 makeit i188.1.3 makeit.sep 94.1.8 malloc() 66.5.17 69.9.6 u0.6 88.76 u0.66 malloc.c 95.19.24 MAN 32.1.1 man 5.2.2 86.16 u0.3 u0.14 man.c 96.1.24 i190.1.18 man.config management information base 36.11.1 manpath.config mansect u0.3 mantissa 63.3.6 mappa della tastiera 14.3.5 mappa della tastiera italiana 14.1.9 markup 47.4.2 maschera dei permessi 4.11.3 maschera di rete 32.4.2 mascheramento 42.4 master slave flip-flop SR u0.6 math 50.13.1 Mathopd 40.2 mathopd.conf 40.2.2 40.2.1 MAU MAX() 97.11.1 mblen() 69.9.12 u0.6 mboot.c32 6.10.4 mboot_cmdline_opt() 84.2.1 mboot_cmdline_opt.c 94.11.1 mboot_public.c 94.11.2 mboot_save() 84.2.1 mboot_save.c 94.11.3 MBR 6.9 mbstowcs() 69.9.14 u0.6 mbtowc() 69.9.13 u0.6 mb_alloc() 84.6.1 u0.1 mb_alloc.c 94.10.1 i188.8.2 mb_alloc_size() 84.6.1 u0.1 mb_alloc_size.c 94.10.2 i188.8.3 mb_clean() 84.6.1 mb_clean.c 94.10.3 MB_CUR_MAX 69.9.2 mb_free() 84.6.1 u0.1 mb_free.c 94.10.4 i188.8.4 MB_LEN_MAX 69.3 u0.2 mb_print() 84.6.1 mb_print.c 94.10.5 mb_public.c 94.10.6 mb_reduce() 84.6.1 mb_reduce.c 94.10.7 mb_reference() 84.6.1 u0.1 mb_reference.c 94.10.8 i188.8.5 mb_size() 84.6.1 mb_size.c 94.10.9 mb_table.c i188.8.6 mc 22.16 MCA 9.5.2 MCD() 97.28 Mcedit 22.17 mcedit 22.17.1 MCM() 97.28 mcookie md5sum 22.10.3 Mdadm mdstat MEDIA() 97.11.1 mem 89.11 u0.8 membro di una struttura 66.7.2 memccpy() 88.77 u0.67 memccpy.c 95.20.1 i189.11.1 memchr() u0.7 88.78 u0.68 memchr.c 95.20.2 i189.11.2 memcmp() u0.7 88.79 u0.69 memcmp.c 95.20.3 i189.11.3 memcpy() u0.7 88.80 u0.70 memcpy.c 95.20.4 i189.11.4 memdisk 6.10.4 memmove() u0.7 88.81 u0.71 memmove.c 95.20.5 i189.11.5 memoria u129 memoria cache 3.29.6 19.1.7 19.4.2 memoria centrale 9.10 memoria di massa 19.1 19.2 memoria tampone 3.29.6 memoria virtuale 6.4 19.5 memory pad 65.3.4 memory.c 84.6.1 u0.1 memory.h 84.6.1 93.14 94.10 u0.1 u0.7 u0.8 memory_t u0.8 u0.1 memset() u0.7 88.82 u0.72 memset.c 95.20.6 i189.11.6 Memtest86+ 9.10.2 MEM_BLOCK_SIZE 84.6.1 u0.1 mem_copy() u0.1 mem_copy.c i188.8.7 MEM_MAX_BLOCKS 84.6.1 u0.1 mem_read() u0.1 mem_read.c i188.8.8 mem_write() u0.1 mem_write.c i188.8.9 menù 97.2.1 97.2.2 menu.c 94.9.4 i188.7.4 menu.c32 6.10.4 menuitem u94 u0.2 MERGE 72.13.2 MESE() 97.28 mesg 37.1.1 MESI() 97.28 messaggio del kernel messaggio sul terminale 37.1 metacarattere 3.29.3 4.9.2 MIB 36.11.1 Micro channel architecture 9.5.2 microcodice 32.7.10 u0.3 Midge 30.12.2 MIDI 30.12 midi2mg 30.12.2 Midnight Commander 22.16 38.4.2 MIME 39.12 MIN() 97.11.1 MinGetty 14.15.3 Mini-UNIX i221.5.1 Minicom 35.4.2 minimizzazione 51.1.2 MiniTelnet u0.5 Minix 1.5.3 1.5.4 68.7 u204 minor() 88.75 u0.65 minor.c 95.26.3 i189.14.3 MINUTE() 97.28 MINUTO() 97.28 MJPEG 30.16 Mjpegtools 30.18.2 MJPG 30.16 mkcramfs 19.9.3 mkdir 3.28.3 4.7.1 20.2.1 86.17 u0.15 mkdir() 24.17.2 68.8.2 70.2.3 u0.16 87.34 u0.25 mkdir.c 95.25.4 96.1.25 i189.13.4 i190.1.19 mkdosfs mke2fs 6.7 mkfifo 10.1.3 20.15.1 mkfifo() 68.8.3 68.9.5 70.2.3 u0.16 mkfs 4.15.2 mkfs.ext2 6.7 mkfs.ext3 6.7 mkfs.ext4 6.7 mkfs.msdos mkinitrd 8.10.2 mkisofs mknod 8.9.1 20.16.1 mknod() 68.8.1 70.2.3 u0.16 87.35 u0.26 mknod.c 95.25.5 i189.13.5 mksquashfs 19.9.2 mkswap 6.7 19.5.2 mktime() u0.8 88.15 u0.13 mktime.c 95.29.4 i189.16.4 mkzftree 19.9.4 mmcheck 86.18 mmcheck.c 96.1.26 mmsitepass mobtag 58.10 MOD() 97.28 modalità orizzontale 49.7 modalità verticale 49.7 modeline u0.6 modello del contenuto 51.1.3 modem 35.2 35.16 modem: baud 35.6 modem: bit/s 35.6 modem: bps 35.6 modem: configurazione 35.5 mode_t 70.1 70.2.1 modifica della parola d'ordine 4.3 modinfo 8.6.8 modprobe 8.6.7 modprobe.conf 8.6.2 8.6.7 8.7 modulo del kernel 8.6 modulo di immissione 97.18.3 modulo ehci_hcd 9.7.2 modulo ohci_hcd 9.7.2 modulo uhci_hcd 9.7.2 mogrify moltiplicazione binaria 2.4.5 80.4.5 monoprogrammazione 3.29.1 montage MONTH() 97.28 MONTHS() 97.28 more 5.1 86.19 u0.16 more.c 96.1.27 i190.1.20 motd 38.5.1 motore di ricerca 40.6 54.12 mount 4.15.3 92.7 u0.4 mount 3.29.3 19.4.1 mount() 87.36 u0.27 mount.c 95.21.3 96.1.28 i189.12.12 i190.1.21 mounts mouse 14.10 28.1.1 28.7 mouse 14.10.1 MOV 64.3 64.4.1 u0.6 MOVE 72.12.12 MOVSB u0.6 MOVSW u0.6 MOVSX 64.3 MOVZX 64.3 64.10.1 MP3 30.5.6 30.7.2 30.13.6 30.13.7 MP3blaster 30.13.7 MP3info 30.13.1 Mpack 39.12.6 MPEG 30.16 30.18 mpeg2enc Mpg321 30.13.6 Mplayer 30.16 mplex MRL 30.16 MROUND() 97.28 MRTG 36.11.7 u0.5 mrtg.cfg MS-Excel: conversione u0.7 MS-SYS 6.9 MS-Word: conversione u0.4 u0.5 u0.6 Mswordview u0.4 mtab mtime 20.10 Mtools i216.3.6 MUA 39.5 MUL 64.3 64.5.3 u0.6 multiboot specification 65.5.1 84.2.1 multiboot.h 93.15 94.11 multiboot_t 84.1.6 multibyte 66.9.3 69.9.11 multicast 32.14.3 36.5.1 multimedia 30.16 MULTINOMIAL() 97.28 MULTINOMIALE() 97.28 multiplatore u0.3 multiplexer u0.3 MULTIPLY 72.12.13 multiprogrammazione 3.29.1 munchlist mup2ly 57.2.5 musedata2ly 57.2.5 Mutt 39.8 mv 3.28.7 4.8.1 20.12.1 MX 33.5.8 my.cnf 76.1 76.1.1 mysql 76.1 76.1.2 MySQL 76 100.1.2 mysqladmin 76.1 mysqld 76.1 mysqldump 76.2.4 mysql_connect() 41.15 mysql_fetch_assoc() 41.15 mysql_install_db 76.1.5 mysql_num_rows() 41.15 mysql_query() 41.15 mysql_real_escape_string() 41.11 mysql_select_db() 41.15 N-Triples 56.8 Nail 39.7.3 nail.rc 39.7.3 named 33.3 33.4.1 named.conf 33.5.1 33.5.1 namei 20.3.4 namep() 88.85 u0.74 namep.c 95.21.4 i189.12.13 NASM 64.4.1 nastro 19.1.1 NAT 32.12 42.4 42.6 natural language processing 61.2.4 Nautilus 29.3.2 navigazione 97.2.4 navlink u0.1 nc 43.8.9 86.20 nc.c 96.1.29 ncal 11.9.3 NCCS 70.7.2 NCSA u0.12 NCSA Telnet u0.12 NDEBUG 69.2 NE2000 83.11 u0.1 ne2k.h 93.16 94.4.19 ne2k_check() 84.9.1 ne2k_check.c 94.4.20 ne2k_isr() 84.9.1 ne2k_isr.c 94.4.21 ne2k_isr_expect() 84.9.1 ne2k_isr_expect.c 94.4.22 ne2k_reset() 84.9.1 ne2k_reset.c 94.4.23 ne2k_rx() 84.9.1 ne2k_rx.c 94.4.24 ne2k_rx_reset() 84.9.1 ne2k_rx_reset.c 94.4.25 ne2k_tx() 84.9.1 ne2k_tx.c 94.4.26 NEG 64.3 u0.6 net.conf 30.3.3 net.h 84.9 93.17 94.12 NetBIOS 16.13 NetBSD 1.5.1 u203 Netcat 43.8.9 netmask 32.4.2 Netstat 43.8.1 netstat-nat 42.6.4 network address translation 32.12 42.4 network time protocol 36.10.2 networks net_buffer_eth() 84.9.2 net_buffer_eth.c 94.12.23 net_buffer_lo() 84.9.2 net_buffer_lo.c 94.12.24 net_eth_ip_tx() 84.9.2 net_eth_ip_tx.c 94.12.25 net_eth_tx() 84.9.2 net_eth_tx.c 94.12.26 net_index() 84.9.2 net_index.c 94.12.27 net_index_eth() 84.9.2 net_index_eth.c 94.12.28 net_init() 84.9.2 net_init.c 94.12.29 net_print.c 94.12.30 net_public.c 94.12.31 net_rx() 84.9.2 net_rx.c 94.12.32 new-line 3.29.3 22.1.1 67.1.2 newaliases 39.3.1 u0.2 newgrp newlist newpage u0.1 news u82 news.daily i83.3.3 NFS 36.3 u0.3 u0.1 NIC 83.11 nice 11.8.1 nis 36.4.7 NIS 36.4 u0.3 u0.1 nisdomainname nl 22.2.3 nl2br() 41.11 nlink_t 70.1 nlnx.config u0.3 nlnx.hardware u0.3 nlnx.last u0.3 nlnx.mixed u0.3 u0.3 u0.2 u0.3 nlnxrc u44 nlnxrd.img u50 NLP 61.2.4 Nmap 43.7.3 nnrpd i83.3.1 nntpget i83.8.1 nntpsend i83.6.3 nntpsend.ctl i83.6.1 No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel 8.11 nodo di rete 3.29.4 NOFLSH 70.7.7 nohup 10.10.1 nologin 38.5.1 nome a dominio 3.29.4 32.4.10 33.2.1 33.2.5 nome di dominio 3.29.4 nome di zona 97.19 NON() 97.28 NOP 64.3 u0.6 Normalize 30.10.9 NOS u89 NOT 64.3 u0.6 NOT 63.5.8 80.6.6 u125 not 69.11 NOT() 97.28 not_eq 69.11 NOW() 97.28 Nroff 25 NS 33.5.7 nsgmls Nslookup 33.4.2 u0.4 nsswitch.conf 36.4.8 NTFS 19.2.3 ntfs-3g NTFS-3g 19.11.6 ntfsmount NTFSprogs 19.2.3 19.11.6 ntohl() 88.11 ntohl.c 95.3.5 ntohs() 88.11 ntohs.c 95.3.6 NTP 36.10.2 u0.7 ntp.conf ntpd ntpdate NULL 41.4.1 66.5.16 69.13 null 4.16.1 89.12 u0.9 Null-modem 35.1.4 NULL.h 95.1.1 i189.1.1 num u94 u0.1 NUM.SETTIMANA() 97.28 numero 97.5.6 numero in virgola mobile 63.3.5 80.4.9 numero intero con segno 63.3.4 80.4.8 numero intero senza segno 63.3.2 80.4.7 nvidiafb 14.9.3 O() 97.28 obiettivo 97.23 Objdump 64.4.1 object u0.2 u0.1 object identifier 36.11.1 OBJECT-COMPUTER object-like macro 66.2.3 objectref u0.1 OCCURS 72.6.6 72.7 oct u94 u0.1 oct() 24.17.6 od 22.2.4 ODBC 74.2.5 78 odbc.ini 78.2 ODBCConfig 78.3 ODBCDataSources 78.2 odbcinst.ini 78.2 ODD() 97.28 offsetof 66.7.4 69.13 offsetof() u0.13 88.88 u0.75 offset_t u0.8 u0.1 off_t 70.1 Ogg 30.5.7 Ogg Vorbis 30.13.4 ogg123 30.13.4 oggdec 30.13.4 oggenc 30.13.4 oggetto fluttuante 50.8.7 OGGI() 97.28 ogginfo 30.13.4 OHCI 9.6.4 ohci-hcd.ko 9.7.2 OID 36.11.1 OIN 1.5.9 Okular 26.4.2 ol u0.1 onlnxrd.img u50 OOPS u0.5 opcode 63.2.3 open 14.12.1 OPEN 72.12.14 Open Invention Network 1.5.9 Open Source 1.5.7 open() 24.17.3 68.5.1 70.4.4 87.37 u0.28 open.c 95.6.3 i189.4.3 OpenBSD 1.5.1 u203 OpenCOBOL 73.1.4 opendir() 68.10.2 70.6.3 88.89 u0.76 opendir.c 95.4.3 i189.2.3 OpenGoo 45.7 OpenSSH 44.7 OpenSSL 44.5 OpenVPN 44.8.2 operatore 24.5 41.7 operatore di confronto 97.12.2 operatore logico 63.5.8 80.6.6 97.12.4 u125 OPOST 70.7.5 options 44.2 OR 64.3 u0.6 or 69.11 OR 63.5.8 80.6.6 u125 OR() 97.28 ora ora locale 11.1 ORA() 97.28 orario 97.13 ORARIO() 97.13.2 97.28 ORARIO.VALORE() 97.28 ord() 24.17.6 ordinamento 22.6 ordine dei byte 63.1.6 80.7.4 organizzazione del file orientamento 97.5.3 Orphaner 7.7.10 or_eq 69.11 os16 xxxiv os16.h u0.1 u0.1 u0.12 os32 84 os32.h 84.7 95.21 OSI 32.2 OSS 1.5.7 ottimizzazione 65.7.8 OUT u0.6 u0.6 OUTB 83.2.1 Outguess 44.9.2 out_16() 84.3.1 u0.2 out_8() 84.3.1 u0.2 overflow 63.4.2 63.4.5 63.5.3 64.2 80.5.2 u0.2 O_ACCMODE 70.4.2 O_APPEND 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_CREAT 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_DSYNC 70.4.2 O_EXCL 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_NOCTTY 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_NONBLOCK 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_RDONLY 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_RDWR 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_RSYNC 70.4.2 O_SYNC 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_TRUNC 68.5.1 70.4.2 O_WRONLY 68.5.1 70.4.2 p2c i146.1.2 pacchetto 32.1.3 pacchetto Debian 7.7 pacchetto di applicazioni 7.1 7.6 7.7 pacct 16.10.3 page 50.4.2 50.6.4 PAGER [pagina] 97.2.4 pagina 49.11.1 97.4.2 PAM 16.9 pam.conf 16.9.2 panel PAP 35.9.2 paragrafo u0.1 paragraph 50.4.2 parallela parametri di avvio 8.5 parametro parametro attuale i147.5.5 parametro di avvio 6.8 parametro formale 66.4.1 i147.5.1 PARI() 97.28 parity 64.2 u0.2 PARMRK 70.7.4 parola 63.2.1 parola d'ordine 3.29.2 parola d'ordine oscurata 16.8 parse-edid u0.1 part 50.4.2 part of speech 61.2.1 part.h 93.18 94.13 partcontents i93.3.2 partdefinition u0.2 u0.5 Parted 19.3.2 parti del discorso 61.2.1 Partimage 19.3.3 partizione 19.1.4 19.3 partizione di scambio 6.7 partizione di scambio per la memoria virtuale partizione Dos-FAT partizione estesa partizione Linux-nativa 6.7 partizione logica 6.2 partizione primaria partizione Second-extended 6.7 Pascal u146 u147 u148 u149 Pascal-to-C u0.1 Pascal: array u0.1 Pascal: case i147.4.2 Pascal: const u0.4 Pascal: for i147.4.5 Pascal: funzione u0.5 Pascal: if i147.4.1 Pascal: insieme i148.5.3 Pascal: procedura u0.5 Pascal: Read() i147.6.2 Pascal: Readln() i147.6.2 Pascal: record u0.6 Pascal: repeat-until i147.4.4 Pascal: set of i148.5.3 Pascal: sottointervallo i148.5.2 Pascal: stringhe u0.2 Pascal: tipo enumerativo i148.5.1 Pascal: type u0.3 Pascal: while i147.4.3 Pascal: Write() i147.6.1 Pascal: Writeln() i147.6.1 PassiveTeX 52.7 53.3.1 passphrase 3.29.2 passwd 16.4.3 90.4 u0.1 u0.3 passwd.md5 password 3.29.2 password shadow 16.8 paste 22.7.2 u0.3 pastebin 46.3 PAT 32.12 42.4 42.6 PATA 9.3 9.3.2 83.9 patch 7.3 22.12.2 path 20.3 pathchk 20.3.5 pathconf() 70.5.3 path_chdir() u0.7 i187.3.30 path_chdir.c i188.4.32 path_chmod() u0.7 i187.3.31 path_chmod.c i188.4.33 path_chown() u0.7 i187.3.32 path_chown.c i188.4.34 path_device() 84.8.8 93.6.38 u0.7 i187.3.33 path_device.c 94.5.27 i188.4.35 path_fix() 84.8.8 93.6.39 u0.7 i187.3.34 path_fix.c 94.5.28 i188.4.36 path_full() 84.8.8 93.6.40 u0.7 i187.3.35 path_full.c 94.5.29 i188.4.37 path_inode() 84.8.8 93.6.41 u0.7 i187.3.36 path_inode.c 94.5.30 i188.4.38 path_inode_link() 84.8.8 93.6.42 u0.7 i187.3.37 path_inode_link.c 94.5.31 i188.4.39 path_link() u0.7 i187.3.38 path_link.c i188.4.40 path_mkdir() u0.7 i187.3.39 path_mkdir.c i188.4.41 path_mknod() u0.7 i187.3.40 path_mknod.c i188.4.42 path_mount() u0.7 i187.3.41 path_mount.c i188.4.43 path_stat() u0.7 i187.3.50 path_stat.c i188.4.44 path_umount() u0.7 i187.3.41 path_umount.c i188.4.45 path_unlink() u0.7 i187.3.44 path_unlink.c i188.4.46 pause u105 pause() 70.5.3 pcal 11.9.6 PCI 9.5.5 83.10 PCI Express 9.5.9 pci.h 93.19 94.4.27 pci_init.c 94.4.28 pci_public.c 94.4.29 pclose() 69.17.16 pcmC0D0c 30.10.4 pcmC0D0p 30.10.4 Pconsole 14.14 PCroute u0.14 PDF 26.4 46.7 PDF417 58.12 PDFescape 46.7.1 pdffonts pdfimages pdfinfo pdftops PDP-11 u0.2 PDU 32.2.2 percentuale 97.7 97.7 percorso 20.3 percorso degli eseguibili 20.5 percorso di fiducia 44.2.5 PERFORM 72.12.15 peripheral component interconnect 83.10 Peripheral component interconnect local bus 9.5.5 Perl 24 40.5 u0.5 perlSGML 51.2.7 permessi 3.21 4.11 perror() 69.17.18 u0.9 88.90 u0.77 perror.c 95.18.26 i189.9.26 personalizzazione 16.11 pezza 7.3 PgAccess 75.4 pg_database 75.2.4 pg_dump 75.2.6 pg_dumpall 75.2.6 pg_hba.conf 75.1.5 75.1.6 pg_shadow 75.2.4 pg_user 75.2.4 PHP 41 u0.3 phpinfo() 41 piè di pagina 97.4.2 PI() 97.28 PI.GRECO() 97.28 piano di ammortamento 97.6.7 PIC 83.6.2 Pic 25.3 PICS 42.3 picture 50.12.1 PICTURE 72.9 PID 3.29.5 Pidgin 37.3.2 pidof 10.3.6 pid_t 70.1 pila 63.1.1 80.7.1 ping 92.8 ping.c 96.1.30 pinky PIO 9.3.3 9.3.3 pipe 10.1.3 68.9 84.8.5 pipe 24.17.3 pipe con nome 20.15 pipe() 68.9.4 70.5.3 87.38 pipe.c 95.30.31 pipeline 3.25 3.29.5 4.9.6 17.1.7 18.8 PIT 83.7 pittogramma 14.2.6 pivot 97.24 pkgmanager u0.3 Plan 9 u220 Platform for Internet content selection 42.3 play-sample 30.10.6 PLIP 32.6.3 u0.1 Plug & Play pmx2ly 57.2.5 png2yuv point-to-point 32.1.2 35.8 POM 22.18.4 POP 64.3 64.10.2 u0.6 pop() 24.17.8 POPA 64.3 64.10.5 64.11 u0.6 POPAD 64.3 Popclient 39.11.2 popen() 69.17.16 POPF 64.3 u0.6 POPMail u0.13 port 89.13 u0.10 port address translation 32.12 42.4 porta 32.8.2 porta parallela porta seriale 35.1 35.14 portable data file 417 58.12 portmap 36.2 POS 61.2.1 POSIX 1.5.10 posta elettronica 39 39.11 PostgreSQL 75 75.4 postgresql.conf 75.1.5 postmaster 75.1.4 postmaster.conf 75.1.5 PostScript 26.1 26.1.5 26.2 48 POTENZA() 97.28 POWER() 97.28 PPD 27.2.12 27.5.4 PPP 35.8 35.15 35.17 35.20 ppp-chiudi 35.18.3 ppp-connetti 35.18.3 pppd 35.9 PPRD u0.8 pr 22.3.2 pre u0.2 precedenza operatori 41.7 66.1.4 81.3 Prefs-Keyboard u0.1 Prefs-Screen u0.1 preg_grep() 41.14 preg_match() 41.14 preg_quote() 41.11 preg_replace() 41.14 preg_split() 41.14 prestito 63.4.3 80.5.3 PRId16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRId32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRId64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRId8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIdPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIi16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIi32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIi64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIi8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIiPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 prima di copertina 47.2.5 Primes 22.18.3 primo piano 10.8.1 print() 24.17.3 print-filter u0.5 printcap 27.2.1 printdocinfo u0.6 printedfontsize u0.2 printedpagesize u0.2 printf 18.6.1 printf() 24.17.3 66.6.4 67.3.3 u0.10 81.1.4 88.91 u0.78 printf.c 95.18.27 i189.9.27 printindex u0.4 printsectiongroup u0.7 printworkinfo u0.5 print_fd.c i188.3.1 print_fd_head.c i188.3.2 print_fd_list.c i188.3.3 print_file_head.c i188.3.4 print_file_list.c i188.3.5 print_file_num.c i188.3.6 print_hex_16.c i188.3.7 print_hex_16_reverse.c i188.3.8 print_hex_32.c i188.3.9 print_hex_32_reverse.c i188.3.10 print_hex_8.c i188.3.11 print_hex_8_reverse.c i188.3.12 print_inode.c i188.3.13 print_inode_head.c i188.3.14 print_inode_list.c i188.3.15 print_inode_map.c i188.3.16 print_inode_zones.c i188.3.18 print_inode_zones_head.c i188.3.19 print_inode_zone_list.c i188.3.17 print_kmem.c i188.3.20 print_mb_map.c i188.3.21 print_memory_map.c i188.3.22 print_proc_head.c i188.3.23 print_proc_list.c i188.3.24 print_proc_pid.c i188.3.25 print_segments.c i188.3.26 print_superblock.c i188.3.27 print_time.c i188.3.28 print_zone_map.c i188.3.29 PRIo16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIo32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIo64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIo8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIoPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 priorità 11.8 priorità di un processo elaborativo 10.1.4 priority encoder u0.6 PRIu16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIu32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIu64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIu8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIuPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 privilegio di un processo elaborativo 10.1.5 PRIX16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIx16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIx32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIX32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIX64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIx64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIX8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIx8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIXPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 PRIxPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 proc.h 84.4 93.20 94.14 u177 u0.8 u0.9 procedura di accesso 3.29.2 16.2.2 procedura di inizializzazione 10.2 procedura di inizializzazione del sistema 3.29.5 PROCEDURE DIVISION 72.11 72.12 72.13 processo 10.1.3 processo di elaborazione 3.12 4.10 10.1 processo elaborativo in memoria 65.3.3 processo in primo piano 10.8.1 processo sullo sfondo 10.8.1 process_info() u0.79 process_info.c i189.12.14 procinfo 12.1.1 Procinfo 12.1 Procmail 39.15 proc_available() 93.20.1 i187.8.3 proc_available.c 94.14.1 i188.9.3 proc_dump_memory() 93.20.2 i187.8.4 proc_dump_memory.c 94.14.2 i188.9.4 proc_find() i187.8.5 proc_find.c i188.9.5 proc_init() 84.4.4 93.20.3 i177.4.1 i187.8.6 proc_init.c 94.14.3 i188.9.6 proc_print() 93.20.4 proc_print.c 94.14.4 proc_public.c 94.14.5 proc_reference() 93.20.5 u0.4 i187.8.7 proc_reference.c 94.14.6 i188.9.7 proc_scheduler() 84.4.6 93.20.10 i177.4.3 i187.8.11 proc_scheduler.c 94.14.11 i188.9.11 proc_sch_net() 93.20.6 proc_sch_net.c 94.14.7 proc_sch_signals() 93.20.7 i187.8.8 proc_sch_signals.c 94.14.8 i188.9.8 proc_sch_terminals() 93.20.8 i187.8.9 proc_sch_terminals.c 94.14.9 i188.9.9 proc_sch_timers() 93.20.9 i187.8.10 proc_sch_timers.c 94.14.10 i188.9.10 proc_sig_chld() 93.20.11 i187.8.12 proc_sig_chld.c 94.14.12 i188.9.12 proc_sig_cont() 93.20.12 i187.8.13 proc_sig_cont.c 94.14.13 i188.9.13 proc_sig_core() 93.20.13 i187.8.14 proc_sig_core.c 94.14.14 i188.9.14 proc_sig_handler() 84.4.7 93.20.14 proc_sig_handler.c 94.14.15 proc_sig_ignore() 93.20.15 i187.8.15 proc_sig_ignore.c 94.14.16 i188.9.15 proc_sig_off() 93.20.17 i187.8.16 proc_sig_off.c 94.14.17 i188.9.16 proc_sig_on() 93.20.17 i187.8.16 proc_sig_on.c 94.14.18 i188.9.17 proc_sig_status() 93.20.18 i187.8.17 proc_sig_status.c 94.14.19 i188.9.18 proc_sig_stop() 93.20.19 i187.8.18 proc_sig_stop.c 94.14.20 i188.9.19 proc_sig_term() 93.20.20 i187.8.19 proc_sig_term.c 94.14.21 i188.9.20 proc_sys_exec() 93.20.21 i187.8.20 proc_sys_exec.c 94.14.22 i188.9.21 proc_sys_exit() i187.8.21 proc_sys_exit.c i188.9.22 proc_sys_fork() i187.8.22 proc_sys_fork.c i188.9.23 proc_sys_kill() i187.8.23 proc_sys_kill.c i188.9.24 proc_sys_seteuid() i187.8.24 proc_sys_seteuid.c i188.9.25 proc_sys_setuid() i187.8.25 proc_sys_setuid.c i188.9.26 proc_sys_signal() i187.8.26 proc_sys_signal.c i188.9.27 proc_sys_wait() i187.8.27 proc_sys_wait.c i188.9.28 proc_t 84.1.6 84.4.2 u0.2 proc_table.c i188.9.29 proc_timer_init() 93.20.22 proc_timer_init.c 94.14.23 proc_wakeup_pipe_read() 93.20.23 proc_wakeup_pipe_read.c 94.14.24 proc_wakeup_pipe_write() 93.20.23 proc_wakeup_pipe_write.c 94.14.25 proc_wakeup_terminal() 93.20.23 proc_wakeup_terminal.c 94.14.26 prodotto fondamentale u0.8 PRODOTTO() 97.28 PRODUCT() 97.28 profile 17.2.1 program counter u0.2 u0.2 program status word u0.2 u0.2 programma 3.27 programma autonomo 65.5 programma cliente 3.29.4 programma di servizio 3.7 3.29.5 29.2 programma di utilità 3.7 3.29.5 programma servente 3.29.4 programma stand alone 65.5 programmable interrupt controller 83.6.2 programmable interval timer 83.7 programmazione: Java u151 programmazione: Scheme u155 u156 u157 promotion 66.6.3 promozione 66.6.3 prompt 17.1.2 propagation delay u0.1 protezione 97.21 protocollo 3.29.4 32.8 protocollo di rete 32.8.1 protocollo di trasporto 32.8.1 protocols 32.8.1 32.15.2 prototipo di funzione 81.5.1 proxy 3.29.4 42.2 proxy HTTP u0.5 proxy trasparente 42.6.4 ps 4.10.1 10.3.1 10.3.2 86.21 u0.17 ps.c 96.1.31 i190.1.22 PS/2 83.8 ps2ps 26.1.6 Psad 43.8.8 psad.conf 43.8.8 psadfifo 43.8.8 psbook pseudocodifica 62.2 psnup psql 75.2.1 psresize psselect pstoedit pstops Pstotext u0.3 pstree 10.3.1 10.3.3 PSUtils 26.2.2 PSW u0.2 pthread_t 68.4.1 70.1 ptr() 93.20.27 ptr.c 94.14.27 PTRDIFF_MAX 69.4.6 u0.3 PTRDIFF_MIN 69.4.6 u0.3 ptrdiff_t 66.8.4 69.4.6 69.13 u0.3 ptrdiff_t.h 95.1.7 i189.1.9 puntatore 66.5.2 66.5.8 82.2 82.12 puntatore a funzione 66.5.14 puntatore a puntatori 66.5.12 66.5.13 82.14 82.15 puntatore del mouse 97.2.6 puntatore nullo 66.5.16 punto di codifica 47.5 47.6.1 punto-punto 32.1.2 35.8 PUSH 64.3 64.10.2 u0.6 push() 24.17.8 PUSHA 64.3 64.10.5 64.11 u0.6 PUSHF 64.3 u0.6 putc() 69.17.11 88.38 u0.37 putchar() 69.17.11 u0.9 88.38 u0.37 putchar.c 95.18.28 putchar_unlocked() 69.17.15 putc_unlocked() 69.17.15 putenv() 88.94 u0.82 putenv.c 95.19.15 i189.10.14 puts() 67.2.4 69.17.12 u0.9 88.39 u0.38 puts.c 95.18.29 i189.9.28 Putty 29.4.1 pwck pwconv pwd 17.3.4 20.3.1 pwd.h 95.15 u0.7 pwent.c 95.15.1 i189.7.1 pwr u94 pwunconv PXE u0.3 u56 PXELINUX 6.10.7 P_tmpdir 69.17.2 q// 24.12.1 qemu 94.1.9 i188.1.2 QEMU 31.4 qh2 i93.3.5 qh3 i93.3.5 qq// 24.12.2 QR 58.10 qsort() 69.9.9 u0.6 88.96 u0.84 qsort.c 95.19.16 i189.10.15 qualità della merce 97.6.9 97.11.2 quarta di copertina 47.2.5 Queso 43.7.1 queso.conf 43.7.1 questionario u101 Quicksort 62.5.4 i18.3.3 i149.3.3 i153.3.3 i159.3.3 i160.3.3 quota 19.6.11 quota 19.6 quotacheck 19.6.5 quotaoff 19.6.6 quotaon 19.6.6 quotation 50.8.4 quote 50.8.4 quoteinfo u0.3 QUOTIENT() 97.28 quoting QUOZIENTE() 97.28 qw// 24.12.4 QWERTY 14.1.4 Qwertz 53.1 QWERTZ 14.1.4 qx// 24.12.3 QZERTY 14.1.4 Raccess 43.7.2 RADIANS() 97.28 RADIANTI() 97.28 RADQ() 97.28 Radvd 32.15.6 radvd.conf 32.15.6 raggruppa e struttura 97.25 raggruppamento 49.2.2 RAID-1 19.10 Rain 22.18.6 raise() 69.15.6 RAM 8.5.2 9.10 ram_copy() u0.2 rand() 69.9.4 u0.6 88.97 u0.85 RAND() 97.28 rand.c 95.19.17 i189.10.16 RANDBETWEEN() 97.28 random_seed 44.7.1 RAND_MAX 69.9.2 rango 66.1.3 81.2 81.2 rank 66.1.3 81.2 81.2 rc.local u0.3 RCL 64.3 64.6.4 u0.6 RCR 64.3 64.6.4 u0.6 Rdate 36.10.1 RDATE u0.7 RDBMS 74.1.2 RDF 56 RDFa 56.7 RDFa: content 56.7 RDFa: prefix 56.7 RDFa: property 56.7 RDFa: resource 56.7 RDFa: type 56.7 RDFa: vocab 56.7 RE 23.1.1 ReactOS u215 READ 72.12.16 read 17.3.4 18.6.2 read() 24.17.3 68.5.2 70.5.3 87.39 u0.29 Read-edid u0.1 read.c 95.30.32 i189.17.28 readdir() 68.10.2 70.6.3 88.98 u0.86 readdir.c 95.4.4 i189.2.4 Readline 17.6 readlink() 24.17.1 70.5.3 README 5.1 readonly 17.3.4 read_file() 41.13 real user id 16.2.1 realloc() 66.5.17 69.9.6 u0.6 88.76 u0.66 realloc.c 95.19.25 Recode 47.8.1 record 3.29.3 22.7 RECORD CONTAINS Recordmydesktop 30.17 recovery time u0.7 recupero file cancellati 21.1 recvfrom() 87.40 recvfrom.c 95.23.5 REDEFINES 72.6.2 regcomp() 68.2.1 68.2.2 u0.15 regerror() 68.2.1 68.2.6 u0.15 regex.h 68.2.1 u0.15 regexec() 68.2.1 68.2.4 68.2.5 u0.15 regexp 3.29.6 23.1 23.2 regexp 68.2 regex_t 68.2.1 68.2.2 u0.15 regfree() 68.2.1 68.2.3 u0.15 register 66.3.4 registrazione 3.29.5 registro 63.2.1 64.2 u130 u0.2 registro a scorrimento u0.2 registro contatore u0.3 registro del sistema 16.1 regmatch_t 68.2.1 68.2.4 68.2.5 u0.15 u0.15 regoff_t u0.15 regular expression 3.29.6 regular file 3.18 3.29.3 relazione 74.1.2 RELEASE 72.13.5 removal time u0.7 remove() 68.8.6 69.17.5 u0.9 rename() 24.17.1 69.17.5 u0.9 RENAMES 72.8.2 rendimento effettivo di un titolo 97.13.7 renice 11.8.2 reopen() 67.2.6 REP u0.6 REPE u0.6 REPNE u0.6 REPNZ u0.6 repquota 19.6.10 REPZ u0.6 require 41.10 require() 24.17.9 require_once 41.10 resb resd reset 14.7.6 resolv.conf 36.5.6 RESTO() 97.28 restrict 66.5.18 restrict.h 95.1.8 i189.1.10 resw RET 64.3 64.10 64.11 u0.6 RET FAR u0.6 rete 32.1 rete combinatoria u126 rete geografica 32.1.1 rete locale 32.1.1 rete metropolitana 32.1.1 rete privata 32.4.5 RETF u0.6 RETURN 72.13.4 return 17.3.4 81.5.2 rev 22.2.5 reverse_16_bit.c i188.3.30 reverse_32_bit.c i188.3.31 reverse_8_bit.c i188.3.32 REVOKE 74.6.3 rewind() 69.17.14 u0.9 88.100 u0.88 rewind.c 95.18.30 i189.9.29 rewinddir() 68.10.2 70.6.3 88.101 u0.89 rewinddir.c 95.4.5 i189.2.5 REWRITE 72.12.17 re_sub u0.15 Rhythmbox ricerca 4.14 97.17 ricerca binaria 62.4.2 ricerca obiettivo 97.23 ridirezione 3.25 4.9.5 17.2.4 ridondanza 19.10 riferimento 50.10 riferimento assoluto 97.6.12 riferimento relativo 97.6.12 RIFF WAV 30.7.1 30.7.2 30.10.5 30.10.6 riga di intestazione 97.4.2 riordino 62.6.1 62.6.2 97.18.1 ripartizione 97.15 97.15.1 97.15.2 ripetitore 32.3 32.6.2 riporto 63.4.2 63.4.3 63.5.1 63.5.2 63.5.3 63.5.7 80.5.2 80.5.3 80.6.1 80.6.2 risorsa 29.1.2 risparmio energetico 8.3.4 ritardo di propagazione u0.1 rlogin 36.7.1 rlogind 36.7.1 Rlpr 27.3 rm 3.28.6 4.6.3 20.12.2 86.22 u0.18 rm.c 96.1.32 i190.1.23 rmdir 4.7.3 20.2.2 86.23 rmdir() 24.17.2 68.8.5 70.5.3 87.41 u0.30 rmdir.c 95.30.33 96.1.33 i189.17.29 rmlist rmmod 8.6.4 rmtab 36.3.1 rm_se u0.15 rm_so u0.15 rndc 33.4.1 robot 54.12 robots.txt 54.12.2 Rock Ridge ROL 64.3 64.6.3 u0.6 ROLLBACK 74.6.4 root 3.9 ROR 64.3 64.6.3 u0.6 rotazione 63.5.6 80.6.5 97.5.3 ROUND() 97.28 ROUNDDOWN() 97.28 ROUNDUP() 97.28 route 92.9 Route 32.10.1 32.10.2 route.c 96.1.34 route.h 93.21 94.12.33 routeadd() 87.42 routeadd.c 95.21.5 routedel() 87.43 routedel.c 95.21.6 router 32.3 32.11 32.11.3 router ADSL 42.7 route_init() 84.10.3 route_init.c 94.12.34 route_print.c 94.12.35 route_public.c 94.12.36 route_remote_to_local() 84.10.3 route_remote_to_local.c 94.12.37 route_remote_to_router() 84.10.3 route_remote_to_router.c 94.12.38 route_sort() 84.10.3 route_sort.c 94.12.39 RPC 36.2 rpc 36.2 rpc.lockd 36.3.1 rpc.mountd 36.3.1 rpc.nfsd 36.3.1 rpc.rquotad 36.3.1 rpc.rusers 36.6.2 rpc.rwalld 37.1.3 rpc.statd 36.3.1 rpc.yppasswdd 36.4.5 rpc.ypxfrd 36.4.5 rpcinfo 36.2.1 RPL 83.1.1 RS-232C 35.1.4 rsh 36.7.2 Rsync 36.12 rsyncd.conf 36.12.6 rsyncd.secrets run level 3.29.5 run.c 94.9.5 i188.7.5 rundig 40.6.1 runq u0.6 rusers 36.6.2 rvalue 66.4.6 rwall 37.1.3 rwalld 37.1.3 rwho 36.6.1 rwhod 36.6.1 R_OK 70.5.2 s// 24.12.6 sa sa-learn 39.16.4 sa-update 39.16.1 safe_finger 43.4.5 SAHF u0.6 SAL 64.3 64.6.2 u0.6 Samba 16.13 u0.4 u0.4 samp u94 sampling 30.5.3 sampling rate 30.5.3 SANE 30.3 u0.9 saned.conf 30.3.3 SAR 64.3 64.6.2 u0.6 SATA 9.4 saved user id 16.2.1 savelog sa_family_t.h 95.22 SBB 64.3 u0.6 sbrk() 87.5 sbrk.c 95.30.34 sb_inode_status() 84.8.1 93.6.26 u0.1 i187.3.45 sb_inode_status.c 94.5.32 i188.4.47 sb_mount() 84.8.1 93.6.27 u0.1 i187.3.46 sb_mount.c 94.5.33 i188.4.48 sb_print() 84.8.1 93.6.28 sb_print.c 94.5.34 sb_reference() 84.8.1 93.6.29 u0.1 i187.3.47 sb_reference.c 94.5.35 i188.4.49 sb_save() 84.8.1 93.6.30 u0.1 i187.3.48 sb_save.c 94.5.36 i188.4.50 sb_t 84.1.6 84.8.1 u0.8 u0.1 sb_table.c i188.4.51 sb_zone_status() 84.8.1 93.6.26 u0.1 i187.3.45 sb_zone_status.c 94.5.37 i188.4.52 SC u38 u0.3 scalar() 24.17.7 scalare 24.2 scanf() 67.3.7 u0.11 88.102 u0.90 scanf.c 95.18.31 i189.9.30 scanimage 30.3.8 scanner 30.3 scarico della memoria 10.1.2 SCASB u0.6 SCASW u0.6 SCHAR_MAX 69.3 u0.2 SCHAR_MIN 69.3 u0.2 Scheme u154 u155 u156 u157 u158 u159 schermo 29.2.5 SCIM 28.8.1 SCNd16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNd32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNd64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNd8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNdPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNi16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNi32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNi64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNi8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNiPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNo16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNo32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNo64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNo8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNoPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNu16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNu32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNu64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNu8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNuPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNx16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNx32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNx64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNx8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxFAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxFAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxFAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxFAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxLEAST16 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxLEAST32 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxLEAST64 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxLEAST8 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxMAX 69.10.2 u0.4 SCNxPTR 69.10.2 u0.4 scorrimento 63.5.1 63.5.2 80.6.1 80.6.2 scorrimento automatico del testo 97.5.4 scp 44.7.8 Screen 14.13 screen.h 93.22 94.4.30 SCREENDIR 14.13.1 screenrc 14.13.4 screen_cell() screen_clear() screen_clear.c 94.4.31 screen_current() screen_current.c 94.4.32 screen_init() screen_init.c 94.4.33 screen_newline() screen_new_line.c 94.4.34 screen_number() screen_number.c 94.4.35 screen_pointer() screen_pointer.c 94.4.36 screen_public.c 94.4.37 screen_putc() screen_putc.c 94.4.38 screen_scroll() screen_scroll.c 94.4.39 screen_select() screen_select.c 94.4.40 screen_t 84.1.6 screen_update() screen_update.c 94.4.41 script 14.11.1 script 3.29.5 17.1.8 17.3 scrivania 28.12 SCSI SD sdd 20.11.9 SE() 97.12.6 SEARCH 72.12.18 SECOND() 97.28 Second-extended 3.29.3 6.3 seconda di copertina 47.2.5 SECONDO() 97.28 section 50.4.2 sectiongroup u0.7 sectionref u0.1 Secure Shell 28.5.6 44.4.2 44.7 Secure-delete 21.3.1 securetty SED 23.5 seek() 24.17.3 SEEK.h 95.1.2 i189.1.2 SEEK_CUR 69.17.2 u0.9 SEEK_END 69.17.2 u0.9 SEEK_SET 69.17.2 u0.9 segmentation fault 65.3.3 segmento u0.1 segment_t u0.8 u0.1 segnale 10.1.3 10.7 segno 63.4.1 80.5.1 SEGNO() 97.28 seg_d() u0.1 u0.91 seg_i() u0.1 u0.91 select 18.6.3 SELECT select() 24.17.3 selector 83.1.3 selettore 83.1.3 selezione 97.2.7 Semacode 58.13 semiaddizionatore u0.9 SEN() 97.28 send() 87.45 send.c 95.23.6 Sendmail 39.3 u79 u0.6 SENH() 97.28 separazione di un file system 19.4.1 separazione di un file system 3.29.3 seq 22.13.2 sequenza multibyte 69.9.11 Serpento 47.11.1 servente 3.29.4 servente di chiavi 44.1.5 server 3.29.4 services 30.3.3 32.8.2 servizio 32.8 servizio di rete 36.1 sessione 19.7.1 28.12 session_destroy() 41.12 session_name() 41.12 session_start() 41.12 set 17.3.4 17.7.9 SET 72.12.19 set group id 20.7.1 set user id 20.7.1 SETA 64.3 SETAE 64.3 SETB 64.3 SETBE 64.3 setbuf() 69.17.8 u0.9 88.103 u0.93 setbuf.c 95.18.32 i189.9.31 SETC 64.3 setcd 19.13.5 SETE 64.3 setegid() 70.5.3 87.48 setegid.c 95.30.35 setenv() 88.104 u0.94 setenv.c 95.19.18 i189.10.17 seteuid() 70.5.3 87.51 u0.33 seteuid.c 95.30.36 i189.17.30 setfont 14.9.2 SETG 64.3 SETGE 64.3 setgid() 70.5.3 87.48 setgid.c 95.30.37 setgrent() 88.53 setjmp() 84.4.8 87.49 setjmp.h 95.16 setjmp.s 95.16.2 SETL 64.3 SETLE 64.3 setleds 14.3.4 setlocale() u0.14 SETNA 64.3 SETNAE 64.3 SETNB 64.3 SETNBE 64.3 SETNC 64.3 SETNE 64.3 SETNG 64.3 SETNGE 64.3 SETNL 64.3 SETNLE 64.3 SETNO 64.3 SETNS 64.3 SETNZ 64.3 SETO 64.3 setpgid() 70.5.3 setpgrp() 87.50 u0.32 setpgrp.c 95.30.38 i189.17.31 setpwent() 88.57 u0.53 setquota 19.6.8 SETS 64.3 setserial 35.1.1 setsid() 70.5.3 setterm 14.7.7 SETTIMANE() 97.28 SETTIMANE.ANNO() 97.28 settore setuid() 70.5.3 87.51 u0.33 setuid.c 95.30.39 i189.17.32 setup time u0.7 setvbuf() 69.17.8 u0.9 88.103 u0.93 setvbuf.c 95.18.33 i189.9.32 setxkbmap 28.6.2 SETZ 64.3 Seyon 35.4.3 sezione marcata 51.1.7 sfdisk sfill 21.3.1 sfondo 10.8.1 97.3 sftp 44.7.8 SGID 20.7.1 SGML 47.4 51 u117 u119 u120 Sgmls 51.2.2 sgmlsasp 51.2.2 sgmlspl 51.2.3 SGMLSpm 51.2 Sgmltexi u117 u118 u119 u120 Sgmltexi: abstract i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: admin i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: appendix i118.1.8 Sgmltexi: author i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: body i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: contents i118.1.4 Sgmltexi: copyright i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: coverart i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: dedications i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: defcodeindex i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: defindex i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: footnotestyle i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: frontcovertext i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: h1 i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: h2 i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: h3 i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: h4 i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: head i118.1.1 Sgmltexi: headings i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: indexheading i118.1.9 Sgmltexi: infodir i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: intro i118.1.6 Sgmltexi: legal i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: license i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: menu i118.1.5 u0.2 Sgmltexi: partheading i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: printindex i118.1.9 Sgmltexi: publishnote i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: setchapternewpage i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: setfilename i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: settitle i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: shortcontents i118.1.4 Sgmltexi: subtitle i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: summarycontents i118.1.4 Sgmltexi: syncodeindex i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: synindex i118.1.2 Sgmltexi: title i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: titlepage i118.1.3 Sgmltexi: tomeheading i118.1.7 Sgmltexi: topnode i118.1.5 Sgmltexi: tpextra i118.1.3 SGMLtools 53.1 sha1sum 22.10.4 shadow shadow password 16.8 shared object 65.2.2 sheeth1 i93.3.5 shell 3.6 3.29.5 4.9 10.8 17.1 shell 86.24 u0.19 shell POSIX 17.2 shell regexp shell regular expression shell standard 17.2 shell.c 96.1.35 i190.1.24 shells 16.4.5 16.12.1 shift 63.5.1 63.5.2 64.6 80.6.1 80.6.2 shift 17.3.4 SHL 64.3 64.6.1 64.9.5 u0.6 short 81.2.2 shorttitle u0.2 shosts.equiv 44.7.3 shout showkey 14.3.6 showmount 36.3.2 SHR 64.3 64.6.1 64.9.5 u0.6 shred 20.12.5 SHRT_MAX 69.3 u0.2 SHRT_MIN 69.3 u0.2 SI 64.2 u0.2 SI 3.30 20.1 47.3.3 u0.1 u0.3 sicurezza 43.1 u84 SIGABRT 69.15.3 69.15.4 SIGALRM 69.15.4 SIGBUS 69.15.4 SIGCHLD 69.15.4 SIGCONT 69.15.4 SIGFPE 69.15.3 69.15.4 SIGHUP 69.15.4 SIGILL 69.15.3 69.15.4 SIGINT 69.15.3 69.15.4 SIGKILL 69.15.4 sign 63.4.5 u0.2 SIGN IS 72.6.5 SIGN() 97.28 signal() 69.15.6 87.52 u0.34 signal.c 95.17.3 i189.8.2 signal.h 69.15 95.17 u0.8 signed 81.2.2 significante 63.3.6 SIGPIPE 69.15.4 SIGPOLL 69.15.4 SIGPROF 69.15.4 SIGQUIT 69.15.4 SIGSEGV 69.15.3 69.15.4 SIGSTOP 69.15.4 SIGSYS 69.15.4 SIGTERM 69.15.3 69.15.4 SIGTRAP 69.15.4 SIGTTIN 69.15.4 SIGTTOU 69.15.4 SIGURG 69.15.4 SIGUSR1 69.15.4 SIGUSR2 69.15.4 SIGVTALRM 69.15.4 SIGXCPU 69.15.4 SIGXFSZ 69.15.4 SIG_ATOMIC_MAX 69.4.6 u0.3 SIG_ATOMIC_MIN 69.4.6 u0.3 sig_atomic_t 69.4.6 69.15.2 u0.3 SIG_DFL 69.15.5 SIG_ERR 69.15.5 SIG_IGN 69.15.5 SIMH u0.2 simple network management protocol 36.11 sin() 24.17.5 SIN() 97.28 sinclude SINH() 97.28 sistema binario 2.1.2 80.1.2 sistema decimale 2.1.1 80.1.1 sistema esadecimale 2.1.4 80.1.4 Sistema internazionale di unità 3.30 20.1 47.3.3 u0.1 u0.3 sistema operativo 3.1 3.4 sistema ottale 2.1.3 80.1.3 sizeof 66.5.3 SIZE_MAX 69.4.6 u0.3 size_t 66.8.3 69.4.6 69.13 70.1 u0.3 size_t.h 95.1.9 i189.1.11 Slackware u75 sleep 18.9.1 sleep() 24.17.4 70.5.3 87.53 u0.35 sleep.c 95.30.40 i189.17.33 slideh1 i93.3.5 small u94 smb.conf 16.13.2 u0.4 SMB/CIFS 16.13 smbpasswd 16.13.4 SMTP 39 snewline u0.3 Sniffit 43.8.5 SNMP 36.11 snmpbulkwalk 36.11.4 snmpd 36.11.6 snmpd.conf 36.11.6 snmpdf 36.11.5 snmpget 36.11.4 snmpgetnext 36.11.4 snmpnetstat 36.11.5 snmpstatus 36.11.5 snmpwalk 36.11.4 snprintf() u0.10 88.91 u0.78 snprintf.c 95.18.34 i189.9.33 SOA 33.5.6 socket 91.2 socket 34 34.4 socket di dominio Internet 34 34.4 socket di dominio Unix 3.29.5 34 34.4 socket() 87.54 socket.c 95.23.7 socket.h 95.23 socklen_t.h 95.24 socklist 12.1.3 sock_free_port() 93.6.32 sock_free_port.c 94.5.38 sock_reference() 93.6.33 sock_reference.c 94.5.39 software 1 software libero 1.1 somma binaria 2.4.3 80.4.3 somma condizionata 97.11.6 97.11.6 somma dei prodotti u0.8 SOMMA() 97.6.8 97.28 SOMMA.Q() 97.28 SOMMA.SE() 97.28 sorgente 7.1 SORT 72.13.1 sort 22.6.1 sostituzione 4.9.2 sottorete 32.4.2 sottrazione binaria 2.4.4 80.4.4 sound-recorder 30.10.6 SOURCE-COMPUTER sources.list 7.7.8 7.8 7.10.1 Sox 30.10.8 SP 64.2 u0.2 SP 51.2 51.2.1 sp() u0.1 u0.12 SpamAssassin 39.16 span i93.4.1 spazio 22.1.2 special u94 u0.4 SPECIAL-NAMES specificatore di conversione 81.1.4 specifiche multiboot 65.5.1 84.2.1 speed_t 70.7.1 spegnimento 4.2.3 splice() 24.17.8 split 22.5.3 spostamento 4.8.1 20.12 97.6.6 Spreadsheet Calculator u38 u0.3 sprintf() 24.17.3 u0.10 88.91 u0.78 sprintf.c 95.18.35 i189.9.34 SQL 74.3 75.3 75.5 SQL92 u20 SQL99 u21 SQLite 77 SQRT() 97.28 sqrt() 24.17.5 Squashfs 19.9.2 srand() 69.9.4 u0.6 88.97 u0.85 ss() u0.1 u0.12 sscanf() u0.11 88.102 u0.90 sscanf.c 95.18.36 i189.9.35 ssh 44.7.8 SSH 44.4.2 44.7 ssh-keygen 44.7.1 sshd 44.7.7 SSHDOS u0.6 sshd_config 44.7.7 SSHfs 19.11.4 ssh_config 44.7.8 ssh_host_dsa_key 44.7.1 44.7.1 ssh_host_key 44.7.1 44.7.1 ssh_host_rsa_key 44.7.1 44.7.1 ssh_known_hosts 44.7.2 SSID 32.7.4 SSIZE_MAX 69.3.2 ssize_t 70.1 SSL 44.4.1 44.5 44.6.4 44.6.5 44.6.6 SSLwrap 44.6.5 Ssmtp u81 stack 63.1.1 80.7.1 stack frame 64.10.5 stack.s 84.2.2 94.9.6 stampa 26.1 27 27.7 27.8 97.4 stampa in serie 59.9 stampa unione 59.9 stand alone 65.5 standard error 3.25 3.29.5 standard input 3.25 3.29.5 standard output 3.25 3.29.5 START 72.12.20 startx 28.5.1 stat stat() 24.17.1 70.2.3 u0.16 87.55 u0.36 stat.c 95.25.6 i189.13.6 stat.h 68.5 70.2 u0.16 95.25 u0.13 stateless static 66.3.2 66.3.4 status stazione grafica 28.1.1 STC u0.6 u0.6 stdarg.h 66.6.3 69.8 u0.1 95.1.10 i189.1.12 stdbool.h 69.12 95.1.11 i189.1.13 stddef.h 69.13 u0.13 95.1.12 i189.1.14 stderr 67.2.5 69.17.4 STDERR_FILENO 70.5.1 stdint.h 69.4 u0.3 95.1.13 i189.1.15 STDIN_FILENO 70.5.1 stdio 67.2.5 69.17.4 stdio.h 67.1.1 69.17 u0.9 u0.10 u0.11 88.112 95.18 u0.103 u0.9 stdlib.h 66.5.17 69.9 u0.6 95.19 u0.10 stdout 67.2.5 69.17.4 STDOUT_FILENO 70.5.1 steganografia 44.9 stegbreak 44.9.3 Stegdetect 44.9.3 Steghide 44.9.4 STI 83.2.2 u0.6 sti() 84.3.2 u0.2 sti.s 94.6.27 stile 97.22 stime() 87.59 u0.39 stime.c 95.29.5 i189.16.5 STOP RUN 72.12.21 storage duration 66.4.5 storico dei comandi 17.1.3 STOSB u0.6 STOSW u0.6 Strace 10.6 strcasecmp() 70.3.2 strcat() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.113 u0.104 strcat.c 95.20.7 i189.11.7 strchr() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.114 u0.105 strchr.c 95.20.8 i189.11.8 strcmp() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.115 u0.106 strcmp.c 95.20.9 i189.11.9 strcoll() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.115 u0.106 strcoll.c 95.20.10 i189.11.10 strcpy() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.117 u0.108 strcpy.c 95.20.11 i189.11.11 strcspn() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.127 u0.118 strcspn.c 95.20.12 i189.11.12 strdfn u94 strdup() 88.119 u0.110 strdup.c 95.20.13 i189.11.13 stream 67.1.1 stream audio 30.14 streaming 30.16 streaming video 30.18 Streamripper Streamtuner strerror() u0.7 88.120 u0.111 strerror.c 95.20.14 i189.11.14 strerror_r() strftime() u0.8 STRING 72.12.22 string.h 66.5.10 69.14 u0.7 95.20 u0.11 stringa 63.1.7 66.5.10 80.7.5 82.13 97.1.7 stringa estesa 66.9.3 stringhe 24.12 strings.h 70.3 stripslashes() 41.11 strlen() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.121 u0.112 strlen.c 95.20.15 i189.11.15 strncasecmp() 70.3.2 strncat() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.113 u0.104 strncat.c 95.20.16 i189.11.16 strncmp() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.115 u0.106 strncmp.c 95.20.17 i189.11.17 strncpy() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.117 u0.108 strncpy.c 95.20.18 i189.11.18 strong u94 strpbrk() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.125 u0.116 strpbrk.c 95.20.19 i189.11.19 strrchr() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.114 u0.105 strrchr.c 95.20.20 i189.11.20 strspn() 66.5.10 u0.7 88.127 u0.118 strspn.c 95.20.21 i189.11.21 strstr() u0.7 88.128 u0.119 strstr.c 95.20.22 i189.11.22 strtod() 69.9.3 u0.6 strtof() 69.9.3 u0.6 strtoimax() 69.10.4 strtok() u0.7 88.129 u0.120 strtok.c 95.20.23 i189.11.23 strtok_r() strtol() 69.9.3 u0.6 88.130 u0.121 strtol.c 95.19.19 i189.10.18 strtold() 69.9.3 u0.6 strtoll() 69.9.3 u0.6 strtouimax() 69.10.4 strtoul() 69.9.3 u0.6 88.130 u0.121 strtoul.c 95.19.20 i189.10.19 strtoull() 69.9.3 u0.6 struct 66.7.2 struct dirent 68.10.1 68.10.1 70.6.1 struct termios 70.7.2 struct tm 66.8.9 69.16.3 structure stat 70.2.2 struttura 66.7.2 97.25 struttura di controllo 49.8 strxfrm() u0.7 88.132 u0.123 strxfrm.c 95.20.24 i189.11.24 stty 14.7.2 Stunnel 44.6.6 st_atime 70.2.2 u0.16 st_blksize 70.2.2 u0.16 st_blocks 70.2.2 u0.16 st_ctime 70.2.2 u0.16 st_dev 70.2.2 u0.16 st_gid 70.2.2 u0.16 st_ino 70.2.2 u0.16 st_mode 70.2.2 u0.16 st_mtime 70.2.2 u0.16 st_nlink 70.2.2 u0.16 st_rdev 70.2.2 u0.16 st_size 70.2.2 u0.16 st_uid 70.2.2 u0.16 su SUB 64.3 64.5.2 u0.6 sub u94 subnet router anycast address 32.14.7 subparagraph 50.4.2 subroutine 24.9 subsection 50.4.2 subsubsection 50.4.2 subtitle u0.2 SUBTRACT 72.12.23 suddivisione in parole 17.1.10 SUID 20.7.1 sum 22.10.1 SUM() 97.28 SUMIF() 97.28 SUMSQ() 97.28 sup u94 super blocco 68.6.2 superformat supervisore di rete 36.1 SUS 1.5.10 swap 6.4 19.5 swapoff swapon 6.7 switch 41.8.2 81.4.2 switchto 14.12.2 Syllable u218 u219 symbolic link 20.11.1 symlink() 24.17.1 70.5.3 sync 19.4.2 SYNCHRONIZED 72.6.7 syncub u0.3 synellipsis u0.3 synsqb u0.3 synstar u0.3 syntax u0.3 synverbar u0.3 sys() 87.56 u0.37 sys.s 95.21.7 i189.12.15 sysconf() 70.5.3 Sysctl 10.1.6 sysctl.conf 10.1.6 sysklogd u0.4 syslinux 94.1.10 SYSLINUX 6.10 syslog.conf syslogd syslogd-listfiles sysroutine() 84.4.3 84.4.5 93.20.28 u0.3 i177.4.2 i187.8.28 sysroutine.c 94.14.28 i188.9.30 SysRq 8.11 system() 24.17.4 69.9.8 system.fvwmrc 28.9 s_accept.c 94.8.2 s_bind.c 94.8.3 s_brk() 93.12 s_brk.c 94.8.4 s_chdir() 84.8.8 93.12 s_chdir.c 94.8.5 s_chmod() 84.8.8 93.12 s_chmod.c 94.8.6 s_chown() 84.8.8 84.8.9 93.12 s_chown.c 94.8.7 s_clock() 93.12 s_clock.c 94.8.8 s_close() 93.12 s_close.c 94.8.9 s_connect.c 94.8.10 s_dup() 84.8.9 93.12 s_dup.c 94.8.11 s_dup2() 84.8.9 93.12 s_dup2.c 94.8.12 s_fchmod() 84.8.9 93.12 s_fchmod.c 94.8.13 s_fchown() 93.12 s_fchown.c 94.8.14 s_fcntl() 84.8.9 93.12 s_fcntl.c 94.8.15 s_fork() 93.12 s_fork.c 94.8.16 s_fstat() 84.8.9 93.12 s_fstat.c 94.8.17 S_IFBLK 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFCHR 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFDIR 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFIFO 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFLNK 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFMT 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFREG 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IFSOCK 70.2.1 u0.16 s_ipconfig.c 94.8.18 S_IRGRP 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IROTH 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IRUSR 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IRWXG 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IRWXO 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IRWXU 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISBLK() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISCHR() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISDIR() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISFIFO() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISGID 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISLNK() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISREG() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISSOCK() 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISUID 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_ISVTX 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IWGRP 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IWOTH 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IWUSR 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IXGRP 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IXOTH 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 S_IXUSR 68.5.1 70.2.1 u0.16 s_kill() 93.12 s_kill.c 94.8.19 s_link() 84.8.8 93.12 s_link.c 94.8.20 s_listen.c 94.8.21 s_longjmp() 84.4.8 93.12 s_longjmp.c 94.8.22 s_lseek() 84.8.9 93.12 s_lseek.c 94.8.23 s_mkdir() 84.8.8 93.12 s_mkdir.c 94.8.24 s_mknod() 84.8.8 93.12 s_mknod.c 94.8.25 s_mount() 84.8.8 93.12 s_mount.c 94.8.26 s_open() 84.8.8 93.12 s_open.c 94.8.27 s_pipe() 84.8.9 93.12 s_pipe.c 94.8.28 s_read() 84.8.9 93.12 s_read.c 94.8.29 s_recvfrom.c 94.8.30 s_routeadd.c 94.8.31 s_routedel.c 94.8.32 s_sbrk() 93.12 s_sbrk.c 94.8.33 s_send.c 94.8.34 s_setegid() 93.12 s_setegid.c 94.8.35 s_seteuid() 93.12 s_seteuid.c 94.8.36 s_setgid() 93.12 s_setgid.c 94.8.37 s_setjmp() 84.4.8 93.12 s_setjmp.c 94.8.38 s_setuid() 93.12 s_setuid.c 94.8.39 s_signal() 93.12 s_signal.c 94.8.40 s_socket.c 94.8.41 s_stat() 84.8.8 93.12 s_stat.c 94.8.42 s_stime() 93.12 s_stime.c 94.8.43 s_tcgetattr() 93.12 s_tcgetattr.c 94.8.44 s_tcsetattr() 93.12 s_tcsetattr.c 94.8.45 s_time() 93.12 s_time.c 94.8.46 s_umount() 84.8.8 93.12 s_umount.c 94.8.47 s_unlink() 84.8.8 93.12 s_unlink.c 94.8.48 s_wait() 93.12 s_wait.c 94.8.49 s_write() 84.8.9 93.12 s_write.c 94.8.50 s__exit() 93.12 s__exit.c 94.8.1 tabbing 50.11.1 tabella 49.15 50.11 tabella pivot 97.24 table 50.4.2 50.8.7 50.8.7 tabular 50.11.2 u99 tabulatore 14.1.7 tac 22.2.2 tag set 61.3.1 tail 22.5.2 talk 37.1.2 Talk u0.10 talkd 37.1.2 TAN() 97.28 97.28 TANH() 97.28 97.28 TAP 44.8.1 tap0 94.1.11 Tar 20.13.2 tastiera 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.3.5 14.4 14.5 15 28.6 28.7 83.8 tasto morto 14.2.3 Tbl 25.3 tbody u99 TCD 30.6.2 tcd 30.6.2 tcflag_t 70.7.1 tcgetattr() 70.7.8 87.58 tcgetattr.c 95.28.1 tcgetpgrp() 70.5.3 TCP 42.1 83.12.6 TCP wrapper 36.1.2 43.4 tcp() 84.12 tcp.c 94.12.41 tcp.h 93.23 94.12.40 95.13 TCP/IP 3.29.4 32.4 36.1 TCP/IP: DOS u87 TCP/IP: NOS u89 tcpclient 34.6 tcpd 36.1.2 tcpdchk 43.4.3 tcpdmatch 43.4.4 Tcpdump 43.8.3 tcpdump 43.8.3 tcplog 43.8.7 tcpserver 34.6 tcp_close() 84.12 tcp_close.c 94.12.42 tcp_connect() 84.12 tcp_connect.c 94.12.43 tcp_rx_ack() 84.12 tcp_rx_ack.c 94.12.44 tcp_rx_data() 84.12 tcp_rx_data.c 94.12.45 tcp_show() 84.12 tcp_show.c 94.12.46 tcp_status.c 94.12.47 tcp_test.c 94.12.48 tcp_tx_ack() 84.12 tcp_tx_ack.c 94.12.49 tcp_tx_raw() 84.12 tcp_tx_raw.c 94.12.50 tcp_tx_rst() 84.12 tcp_tx_rst.c 94.12.51 tcp_tx_sock() 84.12 tcp_tx_sock.c 94.12.52 TCSADRAIN 70.7.8 TCSAFLUSH 70.7.8 TCSANOW 70.7.8 tcsetattr() 70.7.8 87.58 tcsetattr.c 95.28.2 tcsetpgrp() 70.5.3 tee 18.8.1 TEI 53.3 telecomando Wii 60.3 telescrivente 14.1.8 tell() 24.17.3 TELNET 36.8 u0.12 telnet 36.8.2 Telnet NCSA u0.12 Telnet-SSL 44.6.4 telnetd 36.8.1 telnetd.pem 44.6.4 telnetrc 36.8.2 tempfile 18.4 tempnam() 69.17.6 tempo universale 11.1 termcap 14.7.3 Termcap 14.7.3 terminale 3.29.6 14.7 terminale a caratteri 14.6 14.9 29.2.1 terminale virtuale 4.1 14.13 Terminfo 14.7.3 termios.h 70.7 95.28 terza di copertina 47.2.5 test u101 TEST 64.3 u0.6 test 17.3.4 17.7.10 18.7.2 testh1 i93.3.5 u101 testina testinfo i93.3.5 u101 testlist i93.3.5 u101 testlistitem u101 testlistquestion i93.3.5 u101 testmulti i93.3.5 u101 testmultiitem u101 testmultiquestion i93.3.5 u101 testo a capo 97.5.4 testsend u101 testtext i93.3.5 u101 testtextitem u101 testtextquestion i93.3.5 u101 teTeX 49.1 Tetris 22.18.9 TeX 49.1 tex u106 texconfig 49.1.2 teximg u98 u0.6 Texinfo xxiii u120 textafterdedications u0.2 textbeforelegal u0.2 textchk.rules TFTP 36.9 u0.3 tftp 36.9.2 tftpd 36.9.1 thead u99 thebibliography 50.10.4 Theora 30.16 thread 68.4 tilde 3.24 TIME 36.10.1 time sharing 3.29.1 time slice 3.29.1 time() 24.17.4 u0.8 87.59 u0.39 TIME() 97.28 time.c 95.29.6 i189.16.6 time.h 69.16 u0.8 95.29 u0.16 times 17.3.4 times() 24.17.4 TIMEVALUE() 97.28 timezone 16.11.5 time_t 66.8.8 69.16.2 69.16.4 70.1 time_t.h 95.1.14 i189.1.16 Timidity++ 30.12.3 TinyCOBOL 73.1.3 Tinyproxy 42.2.4 tinyproxy.conf 42.2.4 tipo di dati 97.1.4 title u0.2 Tkgate u132 Tkirc 37.2.5 TLD 33.2.5 TLS 44.4.1 44.5 tmpfile() 69.17.6 u0.9 tmpnam() 69.17.6 u0.9 TMP_MAX 69.17.2 u0.9 toascii() 69.7.3 TODAY() 97.28 tolower() 69.7.3 u0.5 tomecontents i93.3.2 tomedefinition u0.2 u0.5 tomeheading i93.3.2 u0.1 Toolame 30.13.3 top 10.3.4 torta 97.14.6 TOSTOP 70.7.7 touch 4.6.1 20.10.1 86.26 u0.20 touch.c 96.1.51 i190.1.25 toupper() 69.7.3 u0.5 tr 22.9 tr// 24.12.7 traboccamento 63.4.2 63.5.3 80.5.2 traccia 19.7.1 trace u0.2 Traceroute 32.11.4 traduttore 47.11 traffico di rete 43.8 trama 32.2 Transcode 30.18.3 translation unit 66.4.3 transparent proxy 42.6.4 trap 10.9.1 17.3.4 trascinamento 97.6.5 treebank 61.2.2 tri-state buffer u0.1 trigraph 66.4.7 81.2.4 Trivial FTP 36.9 Troff 25 trojan 43.2 TRONCA() 97.28 Trout u0.9 trow u99 true 17.3.4 18.7.1 69.12 TRUE 41.4.2 TRUE() 97.28 TRUNC() 97.28 try-from 43.4.6 TTY 3.29.6 14.7 tty 14.6 86.27 89.14 u0.21 u0.11 tty.c 96.1.52 i190.1.26 tty.h 93.24 94.4.42 u174 u0.9 u0.10 ttyname() 70.5.3 88.133 u0.124 ttyname.c 95.30.41 i189.17.34 ttyname_r() 70.5.3 tty_console() 84.7.5 u174 tty_console.c 94.4.43 i188.10.1 tty_init() 84.7.5 u174 tty_init.c 94.4.44 i188.10.2 tty_public.c 94.4.45 tty_read() 84.7.5 u174 tty_read.c 94.4.46 i188.10.3 tty_reference() 84.7.5 u174 tty_reference.c 94.4.47 i188.10.4 tty_t 84.1.6 u0.8 tty_table.c i188.10.5 tty_write() 84.7.5 u174 tty_write.c 94.4.48 i188.10.6 TUN 44.8.1 tupla 74.1.2 Turtle 56.9 Tuxpaint 30.4.9 type 17.3.4 u0.4 typedef 66.7.7 Typeit 15.10 types.h 70.1 95.26 u0.14 typeset 17.3.4 t_fcntl.c 96.1.36 t_fifo.c 96.1.37 t_grp.c 96.1.38 t_nc.c 96.1.39 t_ping2.c 96.1.40 t_pipe.c 96.1.41 t_read.c 96.1.42 t_ret.c 96.1.43 t_rx_udp.c 96.1.44 t_scr.c 96.1.45 t_setjmp.c 96.1.46 t_sig.c 96.1.47 t_sig2.c 96.1.48 t_tx_tcp.c 96.1.49 t_tx_udp.c 96.1.50 U 81.2.3 u-area 84.4.2 u0.2 UCC 58.4 UCC/EAN 128 58.7.1 UCHAR_MAX 69.3 u0.2 UCSPI 34.4 uDev 8.9.2 udev.conf 8.9.2 udevd 8.9.2 UDF 19.7 UDMA 9.3.3 UDP 42.1 83.12.5 udp.h 94.12.53 95.14 udp_tx() 84.12 udp_tx.c 94.12.54 UHCI 9.6.4 uhci-hcd.ko 9.7.2 UID 3.29.2 uid_t 70.1 UIN 37.3 UINT16_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT16_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 uint16_t 69.4.1 u0.3 UINT32_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT32_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 uint32_t 69.4.1 u0.3 UINT64_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT64_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 uint64_t 69.4.1 u0.3 UINT8_C() 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT8_MAX 69.4.1 u0.3 uint8_t 69.4.1 u0.3 UINTMAX_C() 69.4.5 u0.3 UINTMAX_MAX 69.4.5 u0.3 uintmax_t 69.4.5 u0.3 UINTPTR_MAX 69.4.4 u0.3 uintptr_t 69.4.4 u0.3 UINT_FAST16_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 uint_fast16_t 69.4.3 u0.3 UINT_FAST32_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 uint_fast32_t 69.4.3 u0.3 UINT_FAST64_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 uint_fast64_t 69.4.3 u0.3 UINT_FAST8_MAX 69.4.3 u0.3 uint_fast8_t 69.4.3 u0.3 UINT_LEAST16_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 uint_least16_t 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT_LEAST32_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 uint_least32_t 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT_LEAST64_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 uint_least64_t 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT_LEAST8_MAX 69.4.2 u0.3 uint_least8_t 69.4.2 u0.3 UINT_MAX 69.3 u0.2 ul 22.4.2 u0.1 UL 81.2.3 ulimit 17.3.4 17.7.11 ULL 81.2.3 ULLONG_MAX 69.3 u0.2 ULONG_MAX 69.3 u0.2 Ultra ATA 9.3.4 Ultra DMA 9.3.3 umask 4.11.3 umask 17.3.4 umask() 24.17.4 70.2.3 u0.16 87.60 u0.40 umask.c 95.25.7 i189.13.7 umount 4.15.3 92.7 u0.4 umount() 87.36 u0.27 umount.c 95.21.8 96.1.53 i189.12.16 i190.1.27 unable to open an initial console 8.9.3 8.11 unalias 17.3.4 uname 12.6 undefine undivert unexpand 22.8.2 ungetc() 69.17.11 u0.9 Uni 6015 UNI 936 47.1 Uniboard 60.10 unicast 32.14.3 Unicode 14.8 47.7 u16 72.10 u107 u108 unicode 47.7.9 UniFlash 9.8.8 uniform code council 58.4 union 66.7.5 unione 66.7.5 uniq 22.6.2 unistd.h 68.5 70.5 95.30 u0.17 unità a dischetti unità di codifica 47.6 47.6.2 unità di traduzione 66.2 66.4.3 Universal coordinated time 11.1 universal internet number 37.3 Universal time 11.1 UNIX u221 Unix client-server program interface 34.4 Unix domain socket 3.29.5 34 34.4 unixclient 34.5 unixODBC 78.2 unixserver 34.5 unless 24.6.1 unlink 20.12.4 unlink() 24.17.1 68.8.4 70.5.3 87.62 u0.42 unlink.c 95.30.42 i189.17.35 unmount 3.29.3 unnumberedtesth1 u101 unp 20.14.4 Unproto 66.11.8 unset 17.3.4 unsetenv() 88.104 u0.94 unsetenv.c 95.19.21 i189.10.20 unsigned 81.2.2 until 24.6.2 UPC-A 58.2 UPC-E 58.2 UPDATE update-alternatives 22.19.1 uptime 10.5.1 UPX 20.14.3 uri u0.3 URI 3.29.4 40.4.1 54.1 uristr u0.3 URL 3.29.4 40.4.1 54.1 URN 54.1 US-ASCII 47.7.5 USAGE 72.6.4 USB 9.6 9.7 Usenet u82 useradd 16.4.1 userdel usermod users USHRT_MAX 69.3 u0.2 USS Code 128 58.7 UT 11.1 UTC 11.1 utente 3.10 utenza 3.23 UTF-8 14.8 47.7.1 utilità 3.29.5 utility 3.7 3.29.5 utime() 24.17.1 utime.c 95.31.1 i189.18.1 utime.h 95.31 u0.18 utmp Uuencode 39.12.2 V7fs i221.6.1 VAL.DISPARI() 97.28 VAL.PARI() 97.28 validità 97.20 valore di uscita valore logico 97.12 VALUE 72.6.10 VALUE OF variabile di ambiente 3.24 18.5 variabile predefinita 24.2.2 variable bit rate 30.5.5 30.15.3 va_arg 66.6.3 va_arg() 69.8 u0.1 va_copy() 69.8 u0.1 va_end 66.6.3 va_end() 69.8 u0.1 va_list 66.6.3 66.8.5 69.8 u0.1 va_start 66.6.3 va_start() 69.8 u0.1 VBR 30.5.5 30.15.3 vcs* 14.11.2 14.17.5 vcsa* 14.17.5 vdir 20.4.1 ventola 9.1.3 VEOF 70.7.3 VEOL 70.7.3 VERASE 70.7.3 verbatim 50.8.6 verbatimpre u0.2 verifica u101 verifica di un file system 19.2.2 verme 43.2 VERO() 97.28 verse 50.8.5 version u0.2 VESA local bus 9.5.4 vesafb 14.9.3 vettore 63.1.4 80.7.3 vfprintf() u0.10 88.137 u0.128 vfprintf.c 95.18.37 i189.9.36 vfscanf() u0.11 88.138 u0.129 vfscanf.c 95.18.38 i189.9.37 vfsscanf.c 95.18.39 i189.9.38 VGA 14.9 83.3 VI 4.12 22.15 video 30.15 30.16 30.18 Video electronics standards association 9.5.4 VINTR 70.7.3 virgola mobile 63.3.5 80.4.9 virtual provate network 44.8 virus 43.2 vkbd u94 u0.2 u0.4 VKILL 70.7.3 VLB 9.5.4 VLC 30.16 vlock 43.9.1 VLOOKUP() 97.28 97.28 VMIN 70.7.3 VNC 28.13 u59 vnc.conf 28.13.4 vncpasswd 28.13.3 vncrc 28.13.10 vncserver 28.13.2 vocabolario 47.11 void 66.8.2 81.2.8 81.5.1 volatile Vorbis Tools 30.13.4 vorbiscomment 30.13.4 VPN 44.8 vprintf() 67.3.3 u0.10 88.137 u0.128 vprintf.c 95.18.40 i189.9.39 VQUIT 70.7.3 vscanf() 67.3.7 u0.11 88.138 u0.129 vscanf.c 95.18.41 i189.9.40 vsnprintf() u0.10 88.137 u0.128 vsnprintf.c 95.18.42 i189.9.41 vsprintf() u0.10 88.137 u0.128 vsprintf.c 95.18.43 i189.9.42 vsscanf() u0.11 88.138 u0.129 vsscanf.c 95.18.44 i189.9.43 VSTART 70.7.3 VSTOP 70.7.3 VSUSP 70.7.3 VTIME 70.7.3 w W3C 46.6 W3M 40.1 wait 17.3.4 wait() 68.3.3 87.63 u0.43 wait.c 95.27.1 i189.15.1 wait.h 95.27 u0.15 wall 37.1.1 WampServer 100.2 WAN 32.1.1 warn() 24.17.9 watermark 44.9 WATTCP u0.2 WAV-RIFF 30.7.1 30.7.2 30.10.5 30.10.6 Wavtools 30.10.5 Wayback Machine 5.10 Wayland 28.15 wc 22.5.5 WCHAR_MAX 69.4.6 u0.3 WCHAR_MIN 69.4.6 u0.3 wchar_t 66.8.6 66.9.3 69.4.6 69.13 u0.3 wchar_t.h 95.1.15 i189.1.17 wcstoimax() 69.10.4 wcstombs() 69.9.14 u0.6 wcstouimax() 69.10.4 wctomb() 69.9.13 u0.6 Wdm 28.11.7 Webalizer 40.7.1 u0.4 webalizer.conf 40.7.1 WEEKDAY() 97.28 WEEKNUM() 97.28 WEEKS() 97.28 WEEKSINYEAR() 97.28 WEOF 67.1.3 Wget 40.8 wgetrc 40.8.2 whatis 5.2.2 whereis 20.5.2 which 20.5.1 while 24.6.2 41.8.3 81.4.3 Whiptail 18.6.5 who whoami Whois 33.2.5 wide char 47.7.3 wide string 47.7.3 WiFi 32.7 Wiimote 60.3 WiimoteWhiteboard 60.9 WIMS 46.9 Windows 16.13 WINT_MAX 69.4.6 u0.3 WINT_MIN 69.4.6 u0.3 wint_t 66.8.7 69.4.6 u0.3 Winword: conversione u0.4 u0.5 u0.6 wireless 32.7 Wireless-tools 32.7.13 Wireshark 43.8.6 wmgui 60.5 wminput 60.4 Wodim 19.8.2 word 64.1 Word: conversione u0.4 u0.5 u0.6 WORD_BIT 69.3.2 workinfo u0.5 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION 72.5.2 worklicense u0.5 workname u0.5 worknotes u0.5 worm 43.2 Worm 22.18.8 Worms 22.18.5 WPA Supplicant 32.7.15 wpa_supplicant 32.7.15 wpa_supplicant.conf 32.7.15 write 37.1.1 WRITE 72.12.24 write() 68.5.2 70.5.3 87.64 u0.44 write.c 95.30.43 i189.17.36 wtmp 16.10.2 WvDial 35.20 wvdialconf 35.20.1 WWW-SQL 75.5 W_OK 70.5.2 X 28.5.2 X 28 28.5 u42 X -configure 28.2 X.Org 28 x86 64.5 x86-16 u167 x86-32 64 Xalan 52.2 52.2.6 53.3.1 Xampp 100.2 xargs 18.2.2 xauth xbiff 29.2.6 xcalc XCHG 64.3 u0.6 xclipboard xclock Xcompmgr 28.14 Xdialog 18.6.5 Xdm 28.11.4 xdm-config 28.11.4 xdos i216.3.5 xdpyinfo Xeround 46.4 xev 28.7.4 xfd XFE 29.3.1 xferc 29.3.1 XFig 29.6.4 xfontsel XFree86 28 xgrab xhost xidle 29.2.6 xinit xinitrc xkbcomp xkbprint 28.6.3 xkill 29.2.6 XLATB u0.6 xlHTML u0.7 xload 29.2.6 Xloadimage 30.4.2 Xloadimage xlock 43.9.2 xlsfonts xmem 29.2.6 XML 52 XMLTeX 52.7 53.3.1 Xmms 30.13.8 xmodmap 28.7.4 xntpd xon XOR 63.5.8 80.6.6 u125 XOR 64.3 u0.6 xor 69.11 xorg.conf 28.2 28.3 u0.3 xor_eq 69.11 Xpaint 30.4.3 XPath 52.2.1 Xpdf 26.4.1 xpdf 26.4.1 xrdb Xrealvnc 28.13.3 xserverrc Xsession 28.11.1 28.12 xset xsetroot XSL 52.2 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.6 XSL-FO 52.3 52.3.4 52.4 52.5 52.6 xsl:apply-templates 52.2.3 xsl:attribute xsl:comment xsl:element xsl:output xsl:processing-instruction xsl:stylesheet 52.2.2 xsl:template 52.2.3 xsl:text xsl:transform 52.2.2 xsl:value-of XSLT 52.2 52.6 xsteg 44.9.3 Xtightvnc 28.13.3 xtrlock 43.9.3 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